Tungsten Dashboard for Clustering

Continuent Ltd


This manual documents Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.

Build date: 2025-02-24 (593d947e)

Up to date builds of this document: Tungsten Dashboard for Clustering (Online), Tungsten Dashboard for Clustering (PDF)

Table of Contents

1. Overview
2. Pre-Requisites
3. Security Limitations
4. Configure the Tungsten Cluster Manager API
4.1. Configure the Tungsten Cluster APIv1 for Dashboard
4.2. Configure the Tungsten Cluster APIv2 for Dashboard
4.2.1. Remove the Existing Tungsten Cluster APIv1 Configuration
4.2.2. Configure the Tungsten Cluster APIv2 INI Entries
5. Test Connectivity to the Tungsten Manager API Directly
5.1. Test Connectivity to the Tungsten APIv2 Directly
6. Install the Tungsten Dashboard
6.1. Install the Tungsten Dashboard - Standard Method
6.2. Install the Tungsten Dashboard - Docker Method
6.2.1. Dashboard Docker Install - Quick Start
6.2.2. Dashboard Docker Install - Details
6.2.3. Docker Compose Quick Reference Guide
6.2.4. Docker Quick Reference Guide
6.2.5. Dashboard Docker Install - Troubleshooting
6.3. Dashboard Initial JSON Configuration
7. Enabling Dashboard Security
8. Configure the Apache 2 Web Server
8.1. Example: Web Server on Ubuntu
8.2. Example: Web Server on Amazon Linux 2
8.2.1. Add apache user to tungsten group
8.2.2. Create the Dashboard-specific Web Server Configuration File
8.2.3. Configure Web Server Boot and Restart Process
8.2.4. Populate Logins Using htpasswd
8.2.5. Enable RBAC via config.json
8.2.6. Configure SELinux for Apache
9. Install and Configure HA Proxy
9.1. Install and Prepare HA Proxy
9.2. Generate the Frontend and Backend Definitions
9.3. Modify the HAProxy Configuration File
9.4. Ensure HAProxy Starts at Boot
9.5. Restart HAProxy
9.6. Verify HAProxy Started
9.7. Configure SELinux for HAProxy
10. Test Connectivity to the Tungsten Manager via HAProxy
10.1. Test Connectivity to APIv1 via HAProxy
10.2. Test Connectivity to APIv2 via HAProxy
11. Configure the Tungsten Dashboard
11.1. Configure the Required APIv2 Admin User for Tungsten Cluster
11.2. Tungsten Dashboard Initial Configuration Example
11.3. Tungsten Dashboard Configuration Best Practices
11.4. Tungsten Dashboard Configuration Settings Reference
11.5. Tungsten Dashboard Configuration Settings GUI Panel
11.6. Define a Cluster
11.6.1. Auto-Define a Cluster
11.6.2. Define a Cluster via GUI
11.6.3. Delete All Cluster Definitions
11.6.4. Cluster Definition Configuration Examples
12. Access the Tungsten Dashboard GUI via a browser
13. Tungsten Dashboard User Interface
13.1. Tungsten Dashboard User Interface Overview
13.2. Dashboard Navigation Bar One
13.3. Dashboard Navigation Bar Two
13.4. Dashboard Navigation Bar Three
13.5. Dashboard Composite Parent Row
13.6. Dashboard Composite Member Rows
13.7. Dashboard Composite Member Node Rows
13.8. Dashboard Standalone Cluster
14. Send a Dashboard Diagnostic to Support
15. Monitoring Tungsten Clusters Using Prometheus and Grafana
15.1. Monitoring Tungsten Clusters Using Prometheus
15.1.1. Example Prometheus Installation Procedure
15.1.2. Example Prometheus Configuration Procedure
15.1.3. Example Prometheus Boot Configuration Procedures
15.1.4. Example Prometheus Test Procedure
15.2. Monitoring Tungsten Clusters Using Grafana
15.2.1. Example Grafana Installation Procedure
15.2.2. Example Grafana Configuration Procedure
15.2.3. Example Grafana Boot Configuration Procedure
15.2.4. Example Grafana Test Procedure
15.2.5. Example Grafana Setup and Usage
A. Dashboard Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
B. Release Notes
B.1. Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.15 GA (14 February 2024)
B.2. Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.14 GA (11 April 2023)
B.3. Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.13 GA (31 January 2023)
B.4. Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.12 GA (14 December 2022)
B.5. Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.11 GA (8 November 2022)
B.6. Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.10 GA (7 March 2022)
B.7. Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.9 GA (12 August 2020)
B.8. Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.8 GA (4 June 2020)
B.9. Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.7 GA (26 November 2019)
B.10. Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.6 GA (3 September 2019)
B.11. Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.5 GA (28 June 2019)
B.12. Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.4 GA (11 April 2019)
B.13. Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.3 GA (22 March 2019)
B.14. Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.2 GA (20 September 2018)
B.15. Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.1 GA (17 September 2018)
B.16. Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.0 GA (10 May 2018)
C. Upgrade the Tungsten Dashboard
C.1. Manually Updating the Tungsten Dashboard Software
C.2. Self-Updating the Tungsten Dashboard Software
D. UI Operational Scope Table
E. Included External Packages In Use

List of Figures

1.1. Tungsten Dashboard Architecture
11.1. Tungsten Dashboard Create APIv2 Admin User Menu Option
11.2. Tungsten Dashboard Create APIv2 Admin User Form
11.3. Tungsten Dashboard Edit Settings Menu Option
11.4. Tungsten Dashboard Edit Settings Form
11.5. Tungsten Dashboard Auto-Define Menu Option
11.6. Tungsten Dashboard Auto-Define a Cluster Form
11.7. Tungsten Dashboard Auto-Define a Cluster Form Completed
11.8. Tungsten Dashboard Auto-Define a Cluster Form after the Refresh button has been clicked
11.9. Define a Cluster Menu Option
11.10. Define a Cluster Form
11.11. Tungsten Dashboard Delete All Cluster Definitions Menu Option
11.12. Tungsten Dashboard Delete All Cluster Definitions First Confirmation Prompt
11.13. Tungsten Dashboard Delete All Cluster Definitions Second Confirmation Prompt
11.14. Tungsten Dashboard Delete All Cluster Definitions Success
13.1. Tungsten Dashboard User Interface
13.2. Example Navigation Bar One
13.3. Example Navigation Bar Two
13.4. Example Navigation Bar Three
13.5. Example Composite Parent Row
13.6. Example Composite Member Rows
13.7. Example Composite Member Node Rows
13.8. Example Standalone Cluster
14.1. Tungsten Dashboard Send Diagnostic Menu Option
14.2. Tungsten Dashboard Send Diagnostic Form
14.3. Tungsten Dashboard Send Diagnostic Success
14.4. Tungsten Dashboard Send Diagnostic Failure Due to Missing Keys
C.1. Tungsten Dashboard Self-Update Menu Option
C.2. Tungsten Dashboard No Update Available
C.3. Tungsten Dashboard Self-Update Form
C.4. Tungsten Dashboard Self-Update Success