11.5. Tungsten Dashboard Configuration Settings GUI Panel

Configure the Dashboard Settings via the Browser

Version Support: 1.0.9

This feature was first introduced in Tungsten Dashboard version 1.0.9-61


Figure 11.3. Tungsten Dashboard Edit Settings Menu Option

Tungsten Dashboard Edit Settings Menu Option

Figure 11.4. Tungsten Dashboard Edit Settings Form

Tungsten Dashboard Edit Settings Form

  • Update the desired settings then click the "Save" button to update the values on disk.

  • Values are stored as single JSON text files in the {WEBROOT}/settings.d/ subdirectory.

  • You can manually edit the files in the {WEBROOT}/settings.d/ subdirectory. The page will reflect the changes on disk when refreshed.

  • Settings Order of Precedence:

    1. Files in settings.d

    2. Settings in config.json

    3. Coded defaults

  • The Edit Settings panel is also available by clicking the appropriate icon in the top tool bar.