Chapter 5. Test Connectivity to the Tungsten Manager API Directly

Test connectivity to the Tungsten Manager API directly using curl:

shell> curl -s http://db1:8090/manager/status/east/
shell> curl -s http://db4:8090/manager/status/west/
shell> curl -s -X POST http://db4:8090/manager/control/west/heartbeat

5.1. Test Connectivity to the Tungsten APIv2 Directly

Test Connectivity to the Tungsten APIv2 Directly

Version Support:

This feature was first introduced in Tungsten Dashboard version 1.0.10-125

Test connectivity to the Tungsten APIv2 directly using curl for Secure deployments:

shell> /usr/bin/curl --user tungsten:demo -k --request GET 'https://db1:8090/api/v2/manager/status'

shell> /usr/bin/curl --user tungsten:demo -k --request POST 'https://db4:8090/api/v2/manager/control/service/south/heartbeat'


Test connectivity to the Tungsten APIv2 directly for Secure deployments using the tapi command on a Tungsten node:


Please note that the tapi command exists only on Tungsten database nodes, because it is included with the Tungsten Clustering software, not the Dashboard.

shell> tapi -M -r status
   "managerPID" : 3234,
   "dataSourceName" : "",
   "parentPID" : 3213,
   "dataServiceName" : "south",
   "isCoordinator" : true,
   "state" : "ONLINE",
   "uptimeSeconds" : 3428,
   "isWitness" : false,
   "policyMode" : "AUTOMATIC",
   "coordinator" : "",
   "startTime" : "2022-03-14T20:41:41.427 UTC"

shell> tapi -M -r heartbeat
   "taskId" : "1e52cc32-ada5-4546-beea-32eb26846629",
   "operation" : "HeartbeatTask",
   "state" : "in_progress"


Test connectivity to the Tungsten APIv2 directly using curl for NON-Secure deployments:

shell> /usr/bin/curl --user tungsten:demo --request GET 'http://db1:8090/api/v2/manager/status'

shell> /usr/bin/curl --user tungsten:demo --request POST 'http://db4:8090/api/v2/manager/control/service/south/heartbeat'


Test connectivity to the Tungsten APIv2 directly for NON-Secure deployments using the tapi command on a Tungsten node:


Please note that the tapi command exists only on Tungsten database nodes, because it is included with the Tungsten Clustering software, not the Dashboard.

shell> tapi --http -M -r status
WARN: Using insecure Non-SSL http connection instead of the default https
   "managerPID" : 3234,
   "dataSourceName" : "",
   "parentPID" : 3213,
   "dataServiceName" : "south",
   "isCoordinator" : true,
   "state" : "ONLINE",
   "uptimeSeconds" : 3428,
   "isWitness" : false,
   "policyMode" : "AUTOMATIC",
   "coordinator" : "",
   "startTime" : "2022-03-14T20:41:41.427 UTC"

shell> tapi --http -M -r heartbeat
WARN: Using insecure Non-SSL http connection instead of the default https
   "taskId" : "1e52cc32-ada5-4546-beea-32eb26846629",
   "operation" : "HeartbeatTask",
   "state" : "in_progress"