Chapter 10. Test Connectivity to the Tungsten Manager via HAProxy

10.1. Test Connectivity to APIv1 via HAProxy

Test connectivity to the Tungsten Manager API Version 1 via HAProxy using curl:

shell> curl -s http://localhost:8201/manager/status/global/
shell> curl -s http://localhost:8202/manager/status/east/
shell> curl -s http://localhost:8203/manager/status/west/
shell> curl -s -X POST http://localhost:8203/manager/control/west/heartbeat

Please note that APIv1 does not support authentication or SSL.

10.2. Test Connectivity to APIv2 via HAProxy

Version Support:

This feature was first introduced in Tungsten Dashboard version 1.0.10-125

Test connectivity to the Tungsten APIv2 via HAProxy using curl for Secure (SSL-enabled) deployments:

shell> /usr/bin/curl --user tungsten:demo -k --request GET 'https://localhost:8201/api/v2/manager/status'
shell> /usr/bin/curl --user tungsten:demo -k --request POST 'https://localhost:8201/api/v2/manager/control/service/south/heartbeat'

shell> /usr/bin/curl -s --insecure --user tungsten:secret 'https://localhost:8201/api/v2/manager/status' | jq .
shell> /usr/bin/curl -s --insecure --user tungsten:secret 'https://localhost:8202/api/v2/manager/status' | jq .
shell> /usr/bin/curl -s --insecure --user tungsten:secret 'https://localhost:8203/api/v2/manager/status' | jq .


Test connectivity to the Tungsten APIv2 via HAProxy using curl for NON-Secure (No SSL) deployments:

shell> /usr/bin/curl --user tungsten:demo --request GET 'http://localhost:8201/api/v2/manager/status'
shell> /usr/bin/curl --user tungsten:demo --request POST 'http://localhost:8201/api/v2/manager/control/service/south/heartbeat'