Version End of Life. 6 March 2023
Tungsten Dashboard provides a web-based UI for monitoring and managing Tungsten Clustering deployments.
Tungsten Dashboard v1.0.10 provides a number of new features, improvements and bugfixes.
Prometheus and Grafana Integration
Two new settings have been added to the Tungsten Dashboard to support Prometheus and Grafana integration.
Both of the new settings are available via the GUI (config.php options in parens):
Enable Prometheus Integration (enablePrometheus)
Enable integration with Prometheus to display data in a new window.
Enable Grafana Integration (enableGrafana)
Enable integration with Grafana to display graphs inside the Dashboard.
Configurable CURL Timeouts
Two new settings have been added to the Tungsten Dashboard to help compensate for slow environmemnts where API calls may take longer to complete.
Both of the new settings are available via the GUI (config.php options in parens):
CURL GET Timeout (curlTimeoutGET)
The timeout used when curl connects to the Manager for a GET-specific API call, in seconds.
CURL POST Timeout (curlTimeoutPOST)
The timeout used when curl connects to the Manager for a POST-specific API call, in seconds.
New Audit Trail Feature
The ability to track all write API calls made has been added.
There will be one audit file per day created in the auditDir (default: {WEBROOT}/audit.d).
One line per write containing: timestamp, ipaddr, user, role and msg/action
The new setting is partially available via the GUI (config.php options in parens):
Enable Audit Trail (enableAudit)
Capture all POST API calls to a file in the {WEBROOT}/audit.d subdir like audit-{YYMMDD}.log
Audit subdirectory name (auditDir) (NOT available via GUI)
The directory used to store the audit files (default: {WEBROOT}/audit.d)
New Notes-Per-Node Feature
You can now store text on a per-node basis.
There will be one note file per node created in the notesDir (default: {WEBROOT}/notes.d).
The new setting is partially available via the GUI (config.php options in parens):
Enable Per-Node Notes (enableNotes)
Turn on the notes per node feature to capture text to a file in the {WEBROOT}/notes.d subdir, named like {SERVICE}-{FQDN}.txt
Note Icon (noteGlyphicon) (NOT available via GUI)
Use noteGlyphicon to specify the note-per-node Glyphicon (default: comment).
Notes subdirectory name (notesDir) (NOT available via GUI)
The directory used to store the note files (default: {WEBROOT}/notes.d)
New API URL Display Feature
You can now enable the display of the back-end API call URLs for transparency and learning.
The new setting is available via the GUI (config.php options in parens):
Enable API URL Display (enableURLDisplay)
Display the API call URL for each command run.
New Flag-On-Lag Feature
You can now automatically highlight node rows where the Replicator is lagging by a specified number of seconds.
The new setting is available via the GUI (config.php options in parens):
Flag-On-Lag Delay (flagOnLagDelay) (in seconds)
Set this option to a non-zero value to enable node row highlighting when the Replica is more than the specified number of seconds behind the Primary.
Flag-On-Lag Color (flagOnLagColor)
The background color to use when marking a node row as too far behind. One of Info (blue), Warning (yellow) or Danger (red).