9.24. The trepctl Command

The trepctl command provides the main status and management interface to Tungsten Replicator. The trepctl command is responsible for:

  • Putting the replicator online or offline

  • Pause a specific stage within the replicator

  • Performing backup and restore operations

  • Skipping events in the THL in the event of an issue

  • Getting status and active configuration information

The operation and control of the command is defined through a series of command-line options which specify general options, replicator wide commands, and service specific commands that provide status and control over specific services.

The trepctl command by default operates on the current host and configured service. For installations where there are multiple services and hosts in the deployment. Explicit selection of services and hosts is handled through the use of command-line options, for more information see Section 9.24.1, “trepctl Options”.

backup [ -backup agent  ] [ -limit s  ] [ -storage agent  ]
clients [ -json ]
flush [ -limit s  ]
heartbeat [ -name ] [ -tz s ] [ -host name  ]
kill [ -y ]
offline [ -all-services ]
offline-deferred [ -at-event event ] [ -at-heartbeat [heartbeat] ] [ -at-seqno seqno ] [ -at-time YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss ] [ -immediate ]
online [ -all-services ] [ -base-seqno x ] [ -force ] [ -from-event event ] [ -no-checksum ] [ -skip-seqno seqdef ] [ -until-event event ] [ -until-heartbeat [name] ] [ -until-seqno seqno ] [ -until-time YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss ]
pause [ -stage stage-to-pause ] [ -time value-in-seconds ]
perf [ -c ] [ -r ] [ -port number  ]
properties [ -filter name ] [ -values ]
purge [ -limit s ] [ -y ]
qs [ -c ] [ -r ]
reset [ -all ] [ -db ] [ -relay ] [ -thl ] [ -y ]
resume [ -stage stage-to-resume ] [ -retry N  ] [ -service name ]
services [ -c ] [ -full ] [ -json ] [ -r ]
servicetable [ -c ] [ -r ]
setdynamic [ -property ] [ -value ]
setrole [ -role master | slave | relay | thl-applier | thl-client | thl-server ] [ -uri ]
shard [ -delete shard ] [ -insert shard ] [ -list ] [ -update shard ]
status [ -c ] [ -json ] [ -name channel-assignments | services | shards | stages | stores | tasks | watches ] [ -r ]
thl [ -compression ] [ -encryption ]
unload [ -y ] [ -verbose ]
wait [ -applied seqno ] [ -limit s ] [ -state st ]

For individual operations, trepctl uses a sub-command structure on the command-line that specifies which operation is to be performed. There are two classifications of commands, global commands, which operate across all replicator services, and service-specific commands that perform operations on a specific service and/or host. For information on the global commands available, see Section 9.24.2, “trepctl Global Commands”. Information on individual commands can be found in Section 9.24.3, “trepctl Service Commands”.