9.41. The tungsten_post_process Command

Version Support: 7.0.0

From version 7.0.0, the tungsten_post_process command is a wrapper script for the tpm option post-process.

The tungsten_post_process command assists with the graceful maintenance of the static cross-site replicator configuration files on disk.

The tungsten_post_process command performs the following steps:

  • Locates, reads and parses the various INI configuration files.

    Below is the list of possible INI files and file match patterns:

    • {$HOME}/tungsten.ini

    • /etc/tungsten/tungsten*.ini


      Please note that all files in the /etc/tungsten directory starting with tungsten and ending in .ini will be used.

    • /etc/tungsten.ini

  • Identifies cross-site services that are local to the node, as well as the main local service.


    Only Replicator options and properties for specific entry types are currently supported.

    The supported stanzas are as follows:

    • {service}.replicator
    • {service}_from_{service}

    Below is an example INI file showing section identifiers only:


    Of the above example section identifiers, only the following would be used by tungsten_post_process:

    • east.replicator
    • east_from_west
    • west_from_east

    The remaining example section identifiers (defaults, defaults.replicator, east and west) would be ignored.

  • Gathers configuration options and properties defined for each identified local service.

  • Locates the associated configuration file on disk and gets the existing value for the option key.

  • Interactively prompts for confirmation. This may be bypassed using the -y option to tungsten_post_process.

  • Filter out any files that are not static replicator configurations.

  • The tungsten_post_process command will then do one edit-in-place per ini option per local service.

  • The script will check to make sure the value has been updated.

  • Finally, there will be a summary message and helpful instructions about next steps. This may be bypassed using the -q option to tungsten_post_process.

Table 9.74. tungsten_post_process Options

--debug, -dEnable additional debug output.
--help, -hShow help text
--quiet, -qPrevent final message from being output.
--test, -tTest mode - do not perform the actual update on the files
--verbose, -vShow verbose output
--yes, -yBypass interactive confirmation prompt

Below is a sample session:

shell> tungsten_post_process
About to update the following config file(s):


Do you wish to continue? [y/N] y


tungsten_post_process updated 0 configuration options successfully and skipped 6

Pick one node and set Maintenance mode so the manager does not try to bring the replicator online when you don't want it to: 

  echo "set policy maintenance" | cctrl

Then take the Replicator offline gracefully on one node:

  trepctl -all-services offline

Restart the Replicator:

  replicator restart

Bring all services online:

  trepctl -all-services online

Check the status:

  trepctl services

Repeat as needed.

When all nodes are done, pick one node and execute:

  echo "set policy automatic" | cctrl


From release 6.1.6 onwards, the tungsten_post_process will be automatically called by tpm during update and install to ensure any cross-site specific configuration is applied at the correct time