9.29. The tungsten_find_position Command

Version Support: 5.4.0

The tungsten_find_position command was added in versions 5.4.0 and 6.1.0

The tungsten_find_position assists with locating event information in the THL and producing a dsctl set command as output.

The tungsten_find_position command performs the following steps:

  • Get the MySQL binary log position to search for from the CLI and validate

  • Validate paths and commands

  • Load all available service names and validate any specified service against that list

  • Check if this Replicator is in the Primary role

  • Locate the supplied binary log position in the available THL

  • Parse the THL found, if any

  • Generate the dsctl command and display

Table 9.66. tungsten_find_position Options

--debug, -dEnable additional debug output.
--file, -fPass the -file argument to the thl list command to make the location operation more efficient - the script will not have to parse ALL of the available THL
--help, -hShow help text
--high, --toPass specified seqno to the thl command to signify the ending position to scan to. Will scan from the start of all available thl unless the --from|--low options are provided
--low, --fromPass specified seqno to the thl command to signify the starting position to scan from. Will continue to scan to the end of all available thl unless the --to|--high options are provided
--path, -pSpecify the full path to the executable directory where the thl and trepctl commands are located.
--quiet, -qPrevent final message from being output.
--service, -sSpecify the service name to use with the various commands.
--test, -tTest mode - do not perform the actual update on the files
--thlSpecify the full path to the thl command executable file.
--trepctlSpecify the full path to the trepctl command executable file.
--verbose, -vShow verbose output

Below is a sample session:

shell> tungsten_find_position mysql-bin.000030:0000000000001981
dsctl set -reset -seqno 4 -epoch 2 -event-id "mysql-bin.000030:0000000000001981;-1" -source-id "db1"