9.52. The zabbix_tungsten_online Command

The zabbix_tungsten_online command checks whether all the services for a given service and host are online and running.

Within a Tungsten Cluster service, the replicator, manager and connector services are checked. All must be online for a 0 (True) response.

Table 9.83. zabbix_tungsten_online Options

-cEnable composite dataservice checks (default: disabled)
-dDebug mode (enables verbose mode also)
-hDisplay the help text
-aCheck manager services on all nodes, not just localhost.
-rDisable replicator checks (default: enabled)
-sSpecify the service you would like to check (default: all available services)
-vVerbose mode.

By default, the script will check all manager and replication services for the localhost


Prior to v6.1.16, the default behavior was to check all nodes within a cluster

To also check the manager services on the other cluster nodes, use -a

You can also check the cluster-wide composite status using -c


Using -a or -c on multiple nodes will alert on all monitored nodes for the same offline service

The command outputs a 0 (True) or a 1 (False) status.

For example:

shell> zabbix_tungsten_online

If you have multiple services installed, use the -s to specify the service:

shell> zabbix_tungsten_online -s alpha