9.44. The tungsten_purge_thl Command

Version Support: 7.0.0

The tungsten_purge_thl command was added in version 7.0.0

The tungsten_purge_thl is a read-only command to assist with identifying the safe removal of THL based on the following rules:

  • Gather the last applied seqno from all Replica nodes and take the lowest one

  • Find the current THL file which contains that seqno, then locate the previous one

  • construct a thl purge command to remove thl thru the last seqno in the prev file

A replicator service name name may be optionally specified as the last argument, for example:

shell> tungsten_purge_thl alpha

The tpm option purge-thl can be used to perform more advanced actions including the actual purge of the thl files.

Table 9.76. tungsten_purge_thl Options

--auto, -AAutomatically execute any needed commands that it is possible to handle. Edits to the configuration are not possible at this time.
--debug, -dEnable additional debug output.
--help, -hShow help text
--i-am-sureBypass the "Are You Sure?" prompt when using --auto.
--info, -i
--path, -pUse to supply full path to replicator executables used for thl and trepctl if not in default location.
--quiet, -q
--test, -t
--thlUse to supply full path to replicator executables used for thl if not in default location. Ignores --path if supplied
-d, --debugUse to supply full path to replicator executables used for trepctl if not in default location. Ignores --path if supplied
--verbose, -v