8.33. The tungsten_send_diag Script

The tungsten_send_diag command is a utility script which assists in the upload of files to Continuent support.

tungsten_send_diag may be used in place of the Section 9.5.6, “tpm diag Command” to generate a diagnostic package.

tungsten_send_diag [ --args, -a  ] [ --case, -c  ] [ --cleanup  ] [ --contentType  ] [ --debug  ] [ --diag, -d  ] [ --email, -e  ] [ --file, -f  ] [ --help, -h  ] [ --tpm, -t ] [ --verbose, -v  ]


Table 8.56. tungsten_send_diag Command-line Options

--args, -aSpecify arguments to be passed to tpm diag. Arguments must be passed in quotes. Requires the --diag option.
--case, -cSpecify the support case number
--cleanupWhen specified, will cause the removal of the diagnostic archive file generated by the --diag argument.
--contentTypeSpecify the Content-Type for a file you are uploading
--debugDebug mode is VERY chatty, avoid it unless you really need it.
--diag, -dAutomatically generate a tpm diag zip file and upload it
--email, -eEmail address to embed into the uploaded file name
--file, -fFile name to upload
--help, -hShow help text
--tpm, -tFull path to the tpm command you wish to use to execute a tpm diag
--verbose, -vShow verbose output

You must specify either --diag, --tpm, or --file, but not both. For example:

shell> tungsten_send_diag --diag -c 1234

To have tpm diag gather all nodes, add the --args '--all', for example:

shell> tungsten_send_diag --diag -c 1234 --args '--all'

You must specify either --email or --case, and you may provide both if you wish. For example:

shell> tungsten_send_diag -f example.zip -e you@yourdomain.com -c 1234

Using --tpm to specify one or more tpm commands implies the --diag option, you do not need to specify --diag if you use --tpm (or -t). For example:

shell> tungsten_send_diag -c 1234 -t /opt/replicator/tungsten/tools/tpm

You may generate multiple diags by specifying multiple tpm binaries with multiple arguments, i.e.:

shell> tungsten_send_diag -c 1234 -t /opt/continuent/tungsten/tools/tpm -t /opt/replicator/tungsten/tools/tpm

8.33.1. Updating tungsten_send_diag


If you are unable to use tungsten_send_diag due to network rules and restrictions within your organisation, then you do not need to complete these steps.

Continuent is committed to implementing security best practices. To safeguard your uploaded diagnostic data, we routinely rotate the access keys used for upload functionality in our products. As a result, we regularly release a new version of tungsten_send_diag outside of our normal software release cycle.

Updated releases are made available via the download portal here

To install the new file:

  1. Download the latest file from the download portal.

  2. Upload the file to all hosts running Tungsten software. A good suggestion would be to place the file into $HOME path of the tungsten OS user.

  3. Ensure the ownership of the file is correct

    shell> sudo chown tungsten: tungsten_send_diag
  4. Copy the new tungsten_send_diag file to the running directory tree.

    Determine the running directory location, normally the /opt/continuent directory.

    The value of the running directory location is determined by either option home-directory or install-directory within your tungsten.ini file (they do the same thing).

    Another way to easily determine the running directory location is to check the value of the shell variable $CONTINUENT_ROOT as the tungsten OS user, for example:

    shell> su - tungsten
    shell> echo $CONTINUENT_ROOT
  5. Copy the file to the running path of the Tungsten deployment determined above:

    shell> su - tungsten
    shell> cp ~/tungsten_send_diag /opt/continuent/tungsten/tungsten-replicator/bin
  6. Copy the new tungsten_send_diag file to the software staging directory tree.


    This step will ensure that the new version of tungsten_send_diag is preserved should you execute ./tools/tpm update --replace-release from the staging directory during subsequent updates.

    Determine the software staging directory, which by default would be under /opt/continuent/software/. If unsure, the value of this is determined by executing tpm query staging, for example:

    shell> tpm query staging

    For convenience, you can display only the needed staging directory path:

    shell> tpm query staging | cut -d: -f2

    Now copy the file to the software staging path determined above:

    shell> cp ~/tungsten_send_diag /opt/continuent/software/tungsten-replicator-7.0.3-141/tungsten-replicator/bin/


If upgrading to a new version of Tungsten that does not include the latest version of tungsten_send_diag, the above steps will need to be carried out post upgrade.