Appendix C. Troubleshooting

Table of Contents

C.1. Contacting Support
C.1.1. Support Request Procedure
C.1.2. Creating a Support Account
C.1.3. Open a Support Ticket
C.1.4. Open a Support Ticket via Email
C.1.5. Getting Updates for all Company Support Tickets
C.1.6. Support Severity Level Definitions
C.2. Support Tools
C.2.1. Generating Diagnostic Information
C.2.2. Generating Advanced Diagnostic Information
C.2.3. Using tungsten_upgrade_manager
C.3. Error/Cause/Solution
C.3.1. Lots of entries added to replicator log
C.3.2. Backup/Restore is not bringing my host back to normal
C.3.3. Services requires a reset
C.3.4. Error: could not settle on encryption_client algorithm
C.3.5. ERROR backup.BackupTask Backup operation failed: null
C.3.6. Unable to update the configuration of an installed directory
C.3.7. Cluster remains in MAINTENANCE mode after tpm update
C.3.8. Missing events, or events not extracted correctly
C.3.9. Triggers not firing correctly on Replica
C.3.10. Replicator reports an Out of Memory error
C.3.11. [S1000][unixODBC][MySQL][ODBC 5.3(w) Driver]SSL connection error: unknown error number [ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnect
C.3.12. Latency is high: master:ONLINE, progress=41331580333, THL latency=78849.733
C.3.13. Connector shows errors with " Broken pipe"
C.3.14. The Primary replicator stopped with a JDBC error.
C.3.15. cctrl reports MANAGER(state=STOPPED)
C.3.16. trepctl status hangs
C.3.17. Attempt to write new log record with equal or lower fragno: seqno=3 previous stored fragno=32767 attempted new fragno=-32768
C.3.18. Replicator runs out of memory
C.3.19. ERROR 1010 (HY000) at line 5094506: Error dropping database (can't rmdir './mysql-bin/', errno: 17)
C.3.20. ERROR >> host1 >> can't alloc thread
C.3.21. ERROR 1580 (HY000) at line 5093787: You cannot 'DROP' a log table if logging is enabled
C.3.22. WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
C.3.23. ERROR 2013 (HY000) at line 583: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
C.3.24. pendingExceptionMessage": "Unable to update last commit seqno: Incorrect datetime value: '2016-03-13 02:02:26' for column 'update_timestamp' at row 1
C.3.25. Too many open processes or files
C.3.26. Replication latency very high
C.3.27. Backup agent name not found: xtrabackup-full
C.3.28. WARN [KeepAliveTimerTask] - Error while sending a KEEP_ALIVE query to connection.
C.3.29. Event application failed: seqno=20725782 fragno=0 message=java.sql.SQLDataException: Data too long for column 'eventid' at row 1
C.3.30. MySQL 8.0+, User Roles and Smartscale
C.3.31. element 'mysql_readonly' not found in path
C.3.32. cctrl hangs
C.3.33. Replicator fails to connect after updating password
C.3.34. There were issues configuring the sandbox MySQL server
C.3.35. Starting replication after performing a restore because of an invalid restart sequence number
C.3.36. MySQL is incorrectly configured
C.4. Known Issues
C.4.1. Triggers
C.5. Troubleshooting Timeouts
C.6. Troubleshooting Backups
C.7. Running Out of Diskspace
C.8. Troubleshooting SSH and tpm
C.9. Troubleshooting Data Differences
C.9.1. Identify Structural Differences
C.9.2. Identify Data Differences
C.10. Comparing Table Data
C.11. Troubleshooting Memory Usage

The following sections contain both general and specific help for identifying, troubleshooting and resolving problems. Key sections include:

  • General notes on contacting and working with support and supplying information, see Section C.1, “Contacting Support”.

  • Error/Cause/Solution guidance on specific issues and error messages, and how the reason can be identified and resolved, see Error/Cause/Solution.

  • Additional troubleshooting for general systems and operational issues.