C.8. Troubleshooting SSH and tpm

When executing tpm, ssh is used to connect and install the software on other hosts in the cluster. If this fails, and the public key information is correct, there are a number of operations and settings that can be checked. Ensure that you have followed the Section B.2.3.2, “SSH Configuration” instructions.

  • The most likely representation of this error will be when executing tpm during a deployment:

    Validation failed
    Errors for host1
    ERROR>>host1>>Unable to SSH to host1 as root. (SSHLoginCheck)
    Ensure that the host is running and that you can login as root via SSH using key authentication
    tungsten-configure.log shows:
    2012-05-23T11:10:37+02:00 DEBUG>>Execute `whoami` on host1 as root
    2012-05-23T11:10:38+02:00 DEBUG>>RC: 0, Result: stdin: is not a tty

    Try running the following command:

    shell> ssh tungsten@host1 sudo whoami

    If the SSH and sudo configurations have been configured correctly, it should return root. Any other value indicates a failure to configure the prerequisites properly.

  • Check that none of the profile scripts (.profile, .bash_profile, .bashrc, etc.) do not contain a call to mesg n. This may fool the non-interactive ssh call; the call to this command should be changed to only be executed on interactive shells:

    if `tty -s`; then
       mesg n
  • Check that firewalls and/or antivirus software are not blocking or preventing connectivity on port 22.

    If ssh has been enabled on a non-standard port, use the --net-ssh-option=port option to specify the alternative port.

  • Make sure that the user specified in the --user to tpm is allowed to connect to your cluster nodes.