C.3.16. trepctl status hangs

Last Updated: 2013-11-01

Condition or Error

The trepctl status command hangs at the end of the output after a "cannot fork" error.


  • This can be caused by THL corruption on the Replica.

    This can be also be caused by an Out-Of-Memory condition in either the replicator or in the OS itself.


  • You can recreate the THL files on the Replica(s) ONLY. This can be achieved by deleting the existing THL files, which will cause the Replica replicator to download all of the THL data from the Primary again:

    shell> replicator stop
    shell> cd /opt/continuent
    shell> mv thl thl.old;
    shell> mkdir thl
    shell> replicator start
    shell> trepctl status

    To increase the Replicator memory, add or edit the following tpm configuration option, then run tpm update:
