C.3.24. pendingExceptionMessage": "Unable to update last commit seqno: Incorrect datetime value: '2016-03-13 02:02:26' for column 'update_timestamp' at row 1

Last Updated: 2015-06-01

Condition or Error

The following error is reported when applying an event:

pendingExceptionMessage": "Unable to update last commit seqno: Incorrect datetime value: '2016-03-13 02:02:26' for column 'update_timestamp' at row 1


  • The underlying reason for this error is the format and value of the datetime value that is being represented are either incompatible with the current SQL mode within MySQL, or the datetime combination is one that occurs during a DST switch, which may be incompatible with the SQL mode.


  • The solution is to update the SQL mode so that explicit changes are ignored when applying the data, rather than using the information defined during the session. To update the settings. Because the problem will be short lived and specific to the data being applied it can be done temporarily:

    • Edit file /opt/continuent/tungsten/tungsten-replicator/conf/static-endtest.properties

    • Find this line:

    • Change the line to:

    • Restart the replicator using:

      shell> replicator restart
    • Wait for the replicator to come online, and process the change that originally caused the problem. Once the data has been replicated, revert the settings in the file back to the old value and restart the replicator again.