To add passive witness to an existing installation, use tpm to update the active configuration.
Passive Witness hosts are deprecated as of v6.1.0
Use Active Witness hosts instead
Passive Witness support will be removed in v7.0.0
Continuent recommend that active witnesses, rather than passive witnesses are used for all installations. For more information on differences, see Section 2.1, “Host Types”
shell>tpm query staging
tungsten@db1:/opt/continuent/software/tungsten-clustering-6.1.25-6 shell>echo The staging USER is `tpm query staging| cut -d: -f1 | cut -d@ -f1`
The staging USER is tungsten shell>echo The staging HOST is `tpm query staging| cut -d: -f1 | cut -d@ -f2`
The staging HOST is db1 shell>echo The staging DIRECTORY is `tpm query staging| cut -d: -f2`
The staging DIRECTORY is /opt/continuent/software/tungsten-clustering-6.1.25-6 shell>ssh {STAGING_USER}@{STAGING_HOST}
shell> ./tools/tpm configure alpha \
Run the tpm command to update the software with the Staging-based configuration:
shell> ./tools/tpm update --no-connectors
For information about making updates when using a Staging-method deployment, please see Section 10.3.7, “Configuration Changes from a Staging Directory”.
shell> vi /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini
Run the tpm command to update the software with the INI-based configuration:
shell>tpm query staging
tungsten@db1:/opt/continuent/software/tungsten-clustering-6.1.25-6 shell>echo The staging DIRECTORY is `tpm query staging| cut -d: -f2`
The staging DIRECTORY is /opt/continuent/software/tungsten-clustering-6.1.25-6 shell>cd {STAGING_DIRECTORY}
shell>./tools/tpm update --no-connectors
For information about making updates when using an INI file, please see Section 10.4.4, “Configuration Changes with an INI file”.
Using the --no-connectors
updates the current deployment without restarting the existing
Once the update process has been completed, the current status will be displayed using cctrl. The current configuration of the cluster can be verified by using the cluster validate command within cctrl.