10.3.7. Configuration Changes from a Staging Directory

Where, and how, you make configuration changes depends on where you want the changes to be applied.

Making Configuration Changes to the Current Host

You may make changes to a specific host from the /opt/continuent/tungsten directory.

shell> ./tools/tpm update service_name --thl-log-retention=14d

This will update the local configuration with the new settings and restart the replicator. You can use the tpm help update command to see which components will be restarted.

shell> ./tools/tpm help update | grep thl-log-retention
--thl-log-retention How long do you want to keep THL files?

If you make changes in this way then you must be sure to run tpm fetch from your staging directory prior to any further changes. Skipping this step may result in you pushing an old configuration from the staging directory.

Making Configuration Changes to all hosts

This process must be run from the staging directory in order to run properly. Determine where the current software was installed from.

shell> tpm query staging

This outputs the hostname and directory where the software was installed from. Make your way to that host and directory before proceeding.

shell> ./tools/tpm fetch --reset --directory=/opt/continuent \

This will load the configuration into the local staging directory. Review the current configuration before making any configuration changes or deploying the new software.

shell> ./tools/tpm reverse

This will output the current configuration of all services defined in the staging directory. You can then make changes using tpm configure before pushing out the upgrade. Run tpm reverse again before tpm update to confirm your changes were loaded correctly.

shell> ./tools/tpm configure service_name ...
shell> ./tools/tpm update

This will update the configuration file and then push the updates to all hosts. No additional arguments are needed for the tpm update command since the configuration has already been loaded.


The tpm update command may cause a brief outage while restarting the connectors. This will occur if you are upgrading to a new version You can avoid that with:

shell> ./tools/tpm update dataservice --no-connectors

The connectors must be updated separately on each server by running:

shell> tpm promote-connector