10.3.5. Installation

After you have prepared the configuration file, it is time to install.

shell> ./tools/tpm install

This will install all services defined in configuration. The installation will be done as explained in Section 10.2, “Processing Installs and Upgrades”. This will include the full set of --members, --slaves, --master, and --connectors. Installing a set of specific services

shell> ./tools/tpm install alpha,bravo

All hosts included in the alpha and bravo services will be installed. The installation will be done as explained in Section 10.2, “Processing Installs and Upgrades”. Installing a set of specific hosts

shell> ./tools/tpm install --hosts=host1,host2

Only host1 and host2 will be installed. The installation will be done as explained in Section 10.2, “Processing Installs and Upgrades”.