7.12.13. Connector IP Address Configuration

When the Connector starts up, it binds to all local IP addresses on the selected port using the wilcard syntax, for example:

You can force the Connector to bind to a specific IP address by setting the tpm option property=server.listen.address={IP_ADDRESS}

If you wished to bind to the localhost IP address only, perhaps for security reasons, here is an example:

Click the link below to switch examples between Staging and INI methods...

Show Staging

Show INI

shell> tpm query staging

shell> echo The staging USER is `tpm query staging| cut -d: -f1 | cut -d@ -f1`
The staging USER is tungsten

shell> echo The staging HOST is `tpm query staging| cut -d: -f1 | cut -d@ -f2`
The staging HOST is db1

shell> echo The staging DIRECTORY is `tpm query staging| cut -d: -f2`
The staging DIRECTORY is /opt/continuent/software/tungsten-clustering-6.1.25-6

shell> ./tools/tpm configure alpha \

Run the tpm command to update the software with the Staging-based configuration:

shell> ./tools/tpm update

For information about making updates when using a Staging-method deployment, please see Section 10.3.7, “Configuration Changes from a Staging Directory”.

shell> vi /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini

Run the tpm command to update the software with the INI-based configuration:

shell> tpm query staging

shell> echo The staging DIRECTORY is `tpm query staging| cut -d: -f2`
The staging DIRECTORY is /opt/continuent/software/tungsten-clustering-6.1.25-6


shell> ./tools/tpm update

For information about making updates when using an INI file, please see Section 10.4.4, “Configuration Changes with an INI file”.


Updating these values require a connector restart (via tpm update) for the changes to be recognized.