5.7. Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.9 GA (12 August 2020)

Version End of Life. 11 August 2021

Tungsten Dashboard provides a web-based UI for monitoring and managing Tungsten Clustering deployments.

Tungsten Dashboard v1.0.9 provides a number of new features, improvements and bugfixes.

Dashboard Configuration

  • Now able to configure Dashboard settings via the browser

    You can disable the editing of settings in the browser by changing the value of disableSettingsEdit to 1 in the config.php file, in the "settings": { } stanza:

     "disableSettingsEdit": 1 
  • All settings configured via the browser page are stored in the {webroot}/settings.d/ directory as individual JSON text files named for the setting. Please ensure it exists and is writable by the web server user.

  • You may edit or delete any of the files in the {webroot}/settings.d/ directory. The setting will revert to the default if deleted. you may also choose to configure settings in this way as opposed to using the config.php file. Your choice.

  • Refactored all options and created centralized defaults

Software Update

  • Now able to self-update the Dashboard software via the browser

    There are four related settings, enableUpdates, tmpDir, downloadAccessKey and downloadSecretKey.

    All four must be located in the config.php file, in the "settings": { } stanza. They are not accessible from the browser settings page.

    You can disable the Dashboard self-update feature by changing the value of enableUpdates to 0 in config.php (default: 1):

     "enableUpdates": 1 

    The tmpDir value is used to determine where downloaded software packages are saved to:


    The other two (downloadAccessKey and downloadSecretKey) need to be obtained from Continuent support and typicially ship with the Dashboard installation package.

Cluster Definitions

  • Now able to manually create and save cluster definitions in the conf.d subdirectory. Originally, a cluster could only be defined in the "clusters": { } stanza.

  • Now able to create and save cluster definitions to the conf.d subdirectory via a browser workflow

  • Added Display, Edit and Remove Cluster Definition menu choices for each cluster

  • Now able to automatically define cluster definitions in conf.d just by providing a hostname and port number in a browser workflow

  • Now able to automatically define cluster definitions in conf.d at Dashboard startup

    There are three related settings, enableAutoConfiguration, managerPort and useHAProxy.

    You can enable the Dashboard auto-configuration feature by changing the "Enable Auto-Configuration?" setting via the Dashboard settings page in the browser, or changing the value of enableAutoConfiguration to 1 in config.php (default: 0) or via the Dashboard settings page in the browser:

     "enableAutoConfiguration": 1 

    The managerPort value is used to determine what port to communicate with the manager upon when performing auto-configuration and auto-define, as well as populating form fields in other places. Only change this if you have change the API listener port for the Manager as well.

     "managerPort": 8090 

    The useHAProxy value is used to determine how to calculate ports when performing auto-configuration and auto-define.

    Set the value to 1 to determine the manager port number automatically during various operations based on calulations using the base managerPort.

    Set the value to 0 (default) to use the base managerPort with no attempt to auto-define the port.

    You can enable the manager port auto-configuration feature by changing the "Using HA Proxy?" setting via the Dashboard settings page in the browser, or changing the value in the config.php file.

     "useHAProxy": 1 


  • Role name cleaning (Master is now Primary, and Slave is now Replica for nodes; Master is now Active, and Slave is now Passive for clusters)

  • Improve error handling for JSON responses to AJAX calls

  • Bug fixes in service alias support

  • Many footer improvements, including a link to check for an available Dashboard software update

  • Stop providing tabInfo during intitial page load, instead do it as AJAX call after load to save initial page load time

Dashboard Diagnostics

  • Now able to upload a Dashboard Diagnostic containing the JSON configuration to Continuent Support's protected AWS bucket. No other customer has access to this location, it is upload-only.

    There are three related settings, customerName, uploadAccessKey and uploadSecretKey.

    The customerName value is used to pre-populate the diagnostic upload form.

     "customerName":"your customer name here" 

    The other two (uploadAccessKey and uploadSecretKey) need to be located in config.php

     "uploadAccessKey":"AKIAIWDZPQUE5YL4SBDQ", ] 
     "uploadSecretKey":"FQ0iVkTtH9biIZT2+IpwXwhqXvVwqMUqsZ4++N4K" ] 

Misc Admin

  • New Expert mode disables both confirmation prompts when Deleting All Definitions

    The default is 0 (disabled). Set enableExpertMode to 1 (one) to enable.

     "enableExpertMode": 1 
  • Use the enableDebug setting to get additional logging information and use the debug software versions when checking for an available update.

     "enableDebug": 1