5.1. Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.15 GA (14 February 2024)

Version End of Life. 14 February 2025

Tungsten Dashboard provides a web-based UI for monitoring and managing Tungsten Clustering deployments.

Tungsten Dashboard v1.0.15 is a feature and bugfix release.

  • New Feature - Dashboard now checks to see if the pipelinesource on a replica is not pointing to the current primary and highlights the pipelineSource with bold red if mismatched.

  • New Feature - now able to change the Auto-Configure host and port via Settings

  • Improvement - Dashboard now has Connector polling disabled by default to reduce manager load. Enable via the Settings panel.

    Technical Details - automatically adds the ?includeRouters=false flag to the end of calls to /api/v2/manager/cluster/status and /api/v2/manager/status/service/{$service}

  • Improved Docker support.

  • Improved support for Distributed Data Groups (DDG), including an added setting for enableDDGNodeColors.

  • Improvement - updated various wording to differentiate between the Auto-Define and Auto-Confgigure features. updates all copyrights to 2024

  • Improvement - Updates all copyrights to 2024.

  • BugFix - Primary definition corrected to exclude shunned or failed masters.

  • BugFix - Settings panel help broken when fancy tooltips were not enabled.

  • BugFix - Auto-Define now gets the proper security defaults when none are specified in the form.