5.4. Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.12 GA (14 December 2022)

Version End of Life. 14 December 2023

Tungsten Dashboard provides a web-based UI for monitoring and managing Tungsten Clustering deployments.

Tungsten Dashboard v1.0.12 mainly provides support for the new datasource drain feature in Tungsten Clustering v7.0.2, along with a few improvements and bugfixes.

  • The new datasource drain feature in Tungsten Clustering v7.0.2 is now supported in the Tungsten Dashboard node menus

    There is a new,related setting called drainTimeout which controls the length of time to wait before closing the connection to a database node from a Connector

  • Changed managerPort setting default value to 8201 from 8091

  • Updated the auto-refresh browser-specific timestamp display to fit better on the navbar

  • Corrected a page reload issue