5.6. Tungsten Dashboard 1.0.10 GA (7 March 2022)

Version End of Life. 6 March 2023

Tungsten Dashboard provides a web-based UI for monitoring and managing Tungsten Clustering deployments.

Tungsten Dashboard v1.0.10 provides a number of new features, improvements and bugfixes.

Prometheus and Grafana Integration

  • Two new settings have been added to the Tungsten Dashboard to support Prometheus and Grafana integration.

  • Both of the new settings are available via the GUI (config.php options in parens):

    • Enable Prometheus Integration (enablePrometheus)

      Enable integration with Prometheus to display data in a new window.

    • Enable Grafana Integration (enableGrafana)

      Enable integration with Grafana to display graphs inside the Dashboard.

Configurable CURL Timeouts

  • Two new settings have been added to the Tungsten Dashboard to help compensate for slow environmemnts where API calls may take longer to complete.

  • Both of the new settings are available via the GUI (config.php options in parens):

    • CURL GET Timeout (curlTimeoutGET)

      The timeout used when curl connects to the Manager for a GET-specific API call, in seconds.

    • CURL POST Timeout (curlTimeoutPOST)

      The timeout used when curl connects to the Manager for a POST-specific API call, in seconds.

New Audit Trail Feature

  • The ability to track all write API calls made has been added.

  • There will be one audit file per day created in the auditDir (default: {WEBROOT}/audit.d).

  • One line per write containing: timestamp, ipaddr, user, role and msg/action

  • The new setting is partially available via the GUI (config.php options in parens):

    • Enable Audit Trail (enableAudit)

      Capture all POST API calls to a file in the {WEBROOT}/audit.d subdir like audit-{YYMMDD}.log

    • Audit subdirectory name (auditDir) (NOT available via GUI)

      The directory used to store the audit files (default: {WEBROOT}/audit.d)

New Notes-Per-Node Feature

  • You can now store text on a per-node basis.

  • There will be one note file per node created in the notesDir (default: {WEBROOT}/notes.d).

  • The new setting is partially available via the GUI (config.php options in parens):

    • Enable Per-Node Notes (enableNotes)

      Turn on the notes per node feature to capture text to a file in the {WEBROOT}/notes.d subdir, named like {SERVICE}-{FQDN}.txt

    • Note Icon (noteGlyphicon) (NOT available via GUI)

      Use noteGlyphicon to specify the note-per-node Glyphicon (default: comment).

    • Notes subdirectory name (notesDir) (NOT available via GUI)

      The directory used to store the note files (default: {WEBROOT}/notes.d)

New API URL Display Feature

  • You can now enable the display of the back-end API call URLs for transparency and learning.

  • The new setting is available via the GUI (config.php options in parens):

    • Enable API URL Display (enableURLDisplay)

      Display the API call URL for each command run.

New Flag-On-Lag Feature

  • You can now automatically highlight node rows where the Replicator is lagging by a specified number of seconds.

  • The new setting is available via the GUI (config.php options in parens):

    • Flag-On-Lag Delay (flagOnLagDelay) (in seconds)

      Set this option to a non-zero value to enable node row highlighting when the Replica is more than the specified number of seconds behind the Primary.

    • Flag-On-Lag Color (flagOnLagColor)

      The background color to use when marking a node row as too far behind. One of Info (blue), Warning (yellow) or Danger (red).