A.1. Tungsten Clustering 7.0.3 GA (4 Apr 2023)

Version End of Life. Not Yet Set

Release 7.0.3 contains a number of key bug fixes and improvements.

Behavior Changes

The following changes have been made to Tungsten Cluster and may affect existing scripts and integration tools. Any scripts or environment which make use of these tools should check and update for the new configuration:

  • Installation and Deployment

    • Added LimitNOFILE=infinity in systemd scripts to workaround an issue with open files limit for clusters installed with systemd

      Issues: CT-2023

  • Command-line Tools

    • Deprecated tungsten_get_position and tungsten_set_position scripts have been removed.

      Issues: CT-638

    • The tpm ssh-copy-cert command has been deprecated and removed in this release.

      Issues: CT-828

    • The tps.pl backup tool now shows the available command-line arguments when the TAB key is pressed.

      Issues: CT-1246

    • The tungsten_skip_all command (along with alias tungsten_skip_seqno) now shows the full pendingExceptionMessage instead of just pendingError, and the More choice shows the pendingErrorEventId and the pendingError.

      Issues: CT-2030

    • Enabling a custom backup script does not require it to be made the default option anymore, i.e. Setting --repl-backup-method to the custom backup script is not required anymore.

      Issues: CT-2039

    • The tungsten_find_seqno command is now a wrapper for tpm find-seqno.

      Issues: CT-2059

    • The tpm command now prints a warning when running as the root OS user during operations that make changes.

      Issues: CT-2064

    • The tpm report command with with --extra now shows the associated Connector listener ports and mode per port for when the connector mode is "listeners".

      Issues: CT-2087

  • Tungsten Manager

    • Increased the default manager liveness heartbeat interval from 1s to 3s.

      Issues: CT-2095

Improvements, new features and functionality

  • Command-line Tools

    • A new thl tail command has been added, allowing you to view the live THL changes as they are generated.

      Issues: CT-405

    • A new command, tpm copy-keys, has been added to assist with the distribution of security-related files after an INI-based installation. This tool requires ssh access between the cluster nodes for the copy to work.

      Issues: CT-1910

    • The tungsten_get_ports command now supports the /opt/continuent/tungsten/tungsten-connector/conf/interfaces.json file, if found.

      Issues: CT-2003

    • The tungsten_get_ports command now use values based on values obtained from tpm query values when possible for the greatest output accuracy.

      Issues: CT-2008

    • The tpm ask summary command has two new keys, isSmartScale and isDirect, which are also available individually on the command line.

      Issues: CT-2035

    • When in Connector Proxy mode, the tpm report command now displays the Direct and SmartScale status via Channel 2: Connector to Database

      Issues: CT-2037

    • Shell command tab completion for Tungsten-specific commands has been updated to support recent additions and changes.

      Issues: CT-2057

  • Core Replicator

    • THL transfer protocol can now be changed dynamically. This can be done using the trepctl command tool

      shell> trepctl setdynamic -property replicator.thl.protocol.client.serialization -value DEFLATE 
      Property replicator.thl.protocol.client.serialization successfully set to DEFLATE

      This can also be done through API v2

      curl --user tungsten:secret --insecure --request POST '' -d 
       "payloadType": "StringPayload", 
       "payloadVersion": "1", 
       "value": "THL inflight protocol is now set to legacy" 

      Issues: CT-1862

  • Tungsten Connector

    • Improved smart scale handling of session and global changes so they're all played against connected replica or in case of reconnection. As an example, SET SESSION TRANSACTION READ ONLY will be sent to both primary and replica connections so that a subsequent SELECT @@SESSION.transaction_isolation will return the expected value, even if executed on a replica.

      Issues: CT-1600

    • Added user-based authentication to existing host-based authentication to restrict connections per host and per user.

      For more details, see Section 7.6.9, “Host-based Authentication”

      Issues: CT-1978

    • A new advanced listeners feature has been added to the connector for even great control of client connectivity.

      For more details, see Section 7.12.3, “Advanced Listeners”

      Issues: CT-2000

Bug Fixes

  • Command-line Tools

    • Fixed rsync availability check in TPM to error out early when the executable is not found in the path

      Issues: CT-1028

    • The tungsten_get_status command now handles shunned nodes properly.

      Issues: CT-2026

    • The tpm ask keys command now lists all available keys properly.

      Issues: CT-2041

    • The tpm update command no longer aborts with a Dataservice was NOT removed error when service names with a hyphen are defined in the configuration. We strongly discourage the use of hyphens (-) in service names and recommend underscores (_) instead.

      Issues: CT-2052

    • The tpm validate-update command now performs the delete-service checks properly.

      Issues: CT-2054

    • The tungsten_find_events command no longer fails with error Undefined subroutine &main::info

      Issues: CT-2058

    • tpm now builds affinity the same way in bridge and proxy modes.

      Issues: CT-2060

    • Fixes an issue when tprovision would delete the MySQL PEM files in the datadir.

      Issues: CT-2067

    • The tpm diag command will now locate and kill any remaining tpm diag child processes on the calling host.

      Issues: CT-2068

    • Suppressed wrong tpm errors with autodetect hosts.

      Issues: CT-2072

    • Fixed a tpm issue trying to restore an empty policy.

      Issues: CT-2074

  • Core Replicator

    • Fixed an issue that was occurring when an ALTER USER is applied on a mysql instance that uses lower case identifiers.

      Issues: CT-2024

    • Fixed an issue where an extracted JSON field could be invalid, with doubled commas in JSON arrays.

      Issues: CT-2049

    • Fixed an issue where status would fail if issued while a service was reconfiguring (in the middle of a setrole command for example).

      Issues: CT-2081

  • Tungsten Connector

    • Fixed an issue with CLIENT_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES and/or CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF flags that would prevent fallback bridge mode to handle proxy connections properly.

      Issues: CT-2020

    • Fixed an issue in Dynamic Active-Active environments where smartScale would always read from the site with write affinity, even if a different site is specified for read-affinity.

      Issues: CT-2040