A.2. Tungsten Clustering 7.0.2 GA (9 Dec 2022)

Version End of Life. Not Yet Set

Release 7.0.2 contains a number of key bug fixes and improvements.

Behavior Changes

The following changes have been made to Tungsten Cluster and may affect existing scripts and integration tools. Any scripts or environment which make use of these tools should check and update for the new configuration:

  • Command-line Tools

    • The various user-xxxx.log files are no longer generated

      Issues: CT-1914

    • The check_tungsten.sh was deprecated in release 6.1.18 and has now been removed from this release.

      Issues: CT-1939

    • Both the tungsten_get_ports and tpm report commands have been updated to use the ss OS command when the netstat OS command is unavailable or deprecated.

      Issues: CT-2007

  • Core Replicator

    • repl_svc_extractor_multi_frag_service_detection is now turned ON by default. Event shards are determined at extraction time. With fragmented events, the shard cannot be determined by only reading the first fragment, but needs to check the last fragment as well. With this setting turned OFF, there is no issue with pipelines that don't need it, i.e. no parallel apply downstream replicas. However, as this is done at extract time, THL contains this information, and adding or changing a replica using parallel apply could introduce issues.


      It can be disabled if you see a performance overhead but this should be done with caution. For Aurora<>Aurora Active/Active deployments it is essential that this property be left ON.

      Issues: CT-1959

  • Tungsten Connector

    • Improved tungsten show processlist by running underlying commands in parallel.

      Issues: CT-1569

  • Core Clustering

    • Changed the behavior of the connector and manager upon local site failover:

      No longer sending write traffic to the remote site unless the local site is fully offline. In case of local failover, the connector will now pause connections until a new primary is elected. This will avoid risks of out-of-order apply after local failover

      Issues: CT-2009

  • Tungsten Manager

    • A failsafe shunned cluster (Caused by a network split) will be auto recovered after the network connection is re-established.

      Issues: CT-241

Improvements, new features and functionality

  • Command-line Tools

    • rsync is now an option in tprovision, in addition to using xtrabackup and mysqldump. To use rsync, specify -m rsync.

      Using rsync by default will provision a replica in 2 passes:

      • The first pass will live copy (seed) the replica from the source.

      • The second pass will quiesce the source and run the rsync again, resulting in shorter down time than a single pass rsync

      Issues: CT-338

    • A new -c option is now available with some trepctl commands that can be used in conjunction with the -r option to indicate the number of times to refresh before automatically terminating. For example, the following command:

      shell> trepctl perf -r 3 -c 10

      Will refresh the output every 3 seconds, 10 times.

      Issues: CT-679

    • The trepctl status will now show the last known applied seqno and latency.

      This information is stored on disk at regular intervals (10s minimum) so as not to overload the replicator, therefore the value can be shown as slightly old dependant on when the status command was issued.

      By default, this feature is disabled. It can be enabled by setting the following parameter in the configuration :


      This will write current position to disk every 20 seconds. This information is also exported by the Prometheus exporter.

      If the service is online, it will display the current value (the same as appliedLastSeqno and appliedLatency)

      shell> trepctl status 
      Processing status command... 
      ---- ----- 
      appliedLastEventId : mysql-bin.000017:0000000151329854;70 
      appliedLastSeqno : 999 
      appliedLatency : 347707.0 
      lastKnownAppliedLatency: 347707.0 
      lastKnownAppliedSeqno : 999 

      Issues: CT-1823

    • The tungsten_merge_logs command now supports the --before TIMESTAMP and --after TIMESTAMP filters

      Issues: CT-1869

    • Added a new log file (tungsten-replicator/log/data-drift.log) for data drift messages, i.e. :

      • an update statement was logged on primary, but did not update any row on replica

      • a delete statement was logged on primary, but did not delete any row on replica

      Issues: CT-1873

    • The tpm ask summary command now provides the coordinator host and the isCoordinator boolean if the Manager is running on that node.

      Also, tpm ask now supports direct calls to coordinator, \{isCoordinator|iscoordinator} and \{isBridgeMode|isBridge|bridge|isbridge|isbridgemode}.

      Issues: CT-1874

    • The tungsten_generate_haproxy_for_api and tpm generate-haproxy-for-api commands now support using connector hosts in the backend definitions via -c, and extra backend flags to the backend hosts lines using -f.

      Issues: CT-1909

    • The tungsten_generate_haproxy_for_api and tpm generate-haproxy-for-api commands no longer call the Perl Data::Dumper module.

      Issues: CT-1915

    • The tungsten_reset_manager command now supports the ability to simply print out the path or paths to be cleared, one per line via the -l or --list arguments.

      Issues: CT-1917

    • The tmonitor command now accepts cli args to specify the ports and will auto-configure the ports if they have been changed via the Tungsten configuration.

      Issues: CT-1919

    • The tpm command calls to glob have been improved to be more strict and compliant.

      Issues: CT-1940

    • The tpm ask stages and tpm ask allstages commands have been added to display the Replicator stages for the current node (stages) and the stages for each role (allstages).

      Issues: CT-1943

    • The tpm ask command has five new variables available: dsrole & dsstate for the current datasource, and trrole & trstate for the current replicator, and nodeinfo which displays all 4 of the new variables.

      Issues: CT-1944

    • A new standalone status script has been added called tungsten_get_status that shows the datasources and replicators for all nodes in all services along with seqno and latency.

      Issues: CT-1962

    • The tpm report command now prints the hostname and listener ports where available when using the --extra|-x option or the new --ports option.

      Issues: CT-1969

    • A new dsctl option has been added to the thl command, and a new -event option added to thl list

      Full details and examples of these new options can be found here

      Issues: CT-2012

  • Core Replicator

    • Added a new feature that enables pausing a replicator stage for some amount of time.

      This will pause the given stage for 100 seconds.:

      trepctl pause -stage thl-to-q -time 100

      This will pause the stage indefinitely (or until restart, etc) Add -y to avoid the prompt message whether you are sure.

      trepctl pause -stage thl-to-q

      For the previous 2 commands, running a pause command again will override the previous command.

      This will resume the suspended stage (Note that if the stage is not paused, this will have no effect):

      trepctl resume -stage thl-to-q


      Please note this pause does not survive a replicator restart or a service offline/online.

      Issues: CT-1912

    • Per-service tuning of the replicator thl directory is now possible for multi-service replicator-only installs as well as for clustering. The given value should be the base directory, to which tungsten will add the service name. For example, the following entry in the tungsten.ini:


      Would result in the THL being placed in /drv1/thl/alpha


      Update of thl directory is only available when tpm is called from the staging installation directory, NOT from the running directory.

      Issues: CT-1927

    • A new replicator role (thl-applier) has been added to allow a replicator service to apply its locally available THL, without pulling from a remote host

      Issues: CT-1936

    • Added a way to configure the maximum number of rows that can be grouped together when applying row based events for multiple insert or delete statements.

      For these properties to be in effect, you must ensure that optimize-row-events=true is either explicitly set in your configuration, or not present (since it will be enabled by default)

      For example, the following settings will limit the number of inserted or deleted rows applied at once to 10:


      The default values if not specified will be 50 for inserts and 100 for deletes. Note that for deletes to be optimized, the affected table MUST have a single column PK.

      Issues: CT-1980

  • Tungsten Connector

    • The connector graceful-stop command now supports systemd service manager properly. The connector stop command now takes an optional argument that will make it a graceful stop. If connector stop is run without the parameter, it will stop the connector immediately. If a positive number of seconds is passed, it will wait, at most, this timeout for connections to disconnect (refusing new connections), after which it will force close all connections and shutdown the connector. connector graceful-stop behavior is unchanged: without the parameter, the connector will wait "forever" for connections to disconnect. A positive timeout in seconds can be passed to sever connections after the given delay

      Issues: CT-1921

    • Two new commands have ben introduced to cctrl to provide better insight and control of the connectors. These are:

      • datasource <dsname> connections [-l]

        This command displays the current number of connections running to the given node through connectors.

      • datasource <dsname> drain [optional timeout]

        This command will prevent new connection to be made to the given data source, while ongoing connection remain untouched.

      For more detils on the usage and options, see Section, “cctrl datasource Command”

      Issues: CT-1949

    • Added logging configuration example to print load balancers activity

      Issues: CT-1966

  • Tungsten Manager

    • Added a new option to TPM manager-replicator-offline-timeout=<timeout_in_sec> that configures the timeout for the manager to wait until the replicator goes offline. When parallel applier is in use the default timeout was too low, so it’s now user configurable so that it can be adjusted to suit different topologies. If not supplied, the default is 180 (3 minutes). This value should be sufficent in most use cases.

      Issues: CT-1892

  • API

    • New logs files have been added for the REST API, these are as follows:

      • service_logs/connector-api.log

      • service_logs/manager-api.log

      • service_logs/replicator-api.log

      Issues: CT-1983

Bug Fixes

  • Installation and Deployment

    • ddlscan, dsctl and tungsten_send_diag are now added to the aliases.sh script.

      Issues: CT-813

    • Fixes issues where fixed properties and filters passed to tpm in service stanzas were not being configured correctly

      Issues: CT-1463

    • No longer using Tanuki wrapper functionality to print jvm version, which was creating defunct java processes at startup, now using internal code.

      Issues: CT-1876

    • The tpm install and tpm update commands now properly support the --thl-ports option for cross-site subservices.

      Issues: CT-1953

  • Command-line Tools

    • The tungsten_skip_seqno command no longer fails when -i is specified, and now properly filters using --filter when there is a long error message.

      Issues: CT-1877

    • The tpm command now allows any case for section entries (i.e. [alpha_FROM_beta]) in the INI files.

      Issues: CT-1879

    • The tpm diag command now passes when the nodename defined in the tungsten.ini is the shortname, and DNS returns the FQDN.

      Issues: CT-1908

    • The tpm diag command now gathers the mysql.log file when SSL is enabled in the server.

      Issues: CT-1920

    • Note

      This fix was released in Tungsten Clustering and Tungsten Replicator 7.0.2 Build 161.

      The tpm command checks for the existence of the mysql command-line client when installing/upgrading. The process will no longer abort with an error on non-MySQL targets such as heterogeneous replicator appliers, or Active-Witness hosts.

      Issues: CT-1924, CT-2018

    • Fixes an issue that prevented dsctl from connecting to MySQL if SSL was enabled.

      Issues: CT-1928

    • The tpm mysql command will now gracefully handle being run on a non-database node.

      Issues: CT-1946

    • The tpm mysql command no longer aborts with an access denied error on CentOS 6.

      Issues: CT-1977

    • Both TungstenAPI and tpasswd now properly update .passwords.store.orig backup file so that proper manipulation of passwords won't trigger tpm update failure

      Issues: CT-1981

  • Backup and Restore

    • The cluster_backup script will no longer backup a replica if the replicator is in an ERROR state.

      Issues: CT-1036

  • Core Replicator

    • Fixes an issue that would prevent a service from going offline at a specified time (trepctl online -until-time) when parallel apply is enabled. This is a rework of CT-1243.

      Issues: CT-1684

    • Fixed a possible issue when recovering an old primary as a replica after failover when parallel apply is enabled, that could lead the replica to be unable to come online and require a reprovisioning of this replica.

      Issues: CT-1890

    • Fixes an issue that prevented geometry datatypes with SRID from being replicated.

      Issues: CT-1904

    • Fixed an issue where filtered events would trigger a useless update to the service trep_commit_seqno table while it is overwritten anyway once the last statement of the applied event is done, just prior to committing the whole block.

      Issues: CT-1931

    • Fixed an issue where the replicator would hang after applying a DROP TABLE event, that originally failed on the primary, but got logged into the binlog.

      Issues: CT-1973

    • Fixed a parsing issue that would prevent the replicator from correctly detecting a CREATE TABLE statement with START TRANSACTION

      Issues: CT-1987

  • Filters

    • Fixed an issue where the dropsqlmodes filter would fail to remove invalid sql modes from a multi-statement event

      Issues: CT-1993

  • Tungsten Connector

    • Connector now auto detects default authentication plugin by retrieving MySQL data source variable default_authentication_plugin rather than just using MySQL server version

      Issues: CT-1926

    • No longer printing warning "SequenceException: Parents differ" when canceling connections of a composite data service

      Issues: CT-1964

    • Fixed connector logging configuration to show hostname and class printing logs

      Issues: CT-1965

  • Tungsten Manager

    • The cctrl command datasource <ds> slave now sets the replicator role correctly. Previously, only the datasource role would change.

      Issues: CT-1882

    • A bug has been fixed that, in a few very rare cases, would allow replicas to continue to pull and apply THL from a failed primary whilst a failover was in the process of electing a new primary. This resulted in failovers being unable to complete fully. Whilst the new primary would be online and functioning, existing replicas in the cluster could experience errors due to THL discrepencies between the old and new primary nodes.

      Issues: CT-1986

  • API

    • Fixed REST API /api/v2/manager/control/service/{service}/switch call. It will not switch anymore to a shunned node.

      Issues: CT-796

    • Calls to /api/v2/manager/cluster/status now return properly when a peer cluster is fully offline or unreachable.

      Issues: CT-1945

    • The REST API call /api/v2/manager/control/service/{service}/datasource/{datasource}/slave now sets the role of the replicator correctly.

      Issues: CT-1975