Version End of Life. Not Yet Set
Release 7.0.0 is a major release introducing many new features including a fully documented API. There are a large number of bug fixes and improvements in all areas of the product, and a number of key behavior changes, most significantly being Security is now enabled by default.
The following changes have been made to Tungsten Cluster and may affect existing scripts and integration tools. Any scripts or environment which make use of these tools should check and update for the new configuration:
The tpm diag command now uses
tar czf
instead of thezip
command to compress the gathered files. Thezip
command is no longer a pre-requisite for tpm diag.Issues: CT-1253
tungsten_set_position has been deprecated and no longer available in this release. dsctl should be used instead.
tungsten_provision_slave has now been renamed to tprovision
Issues: CT-1302
The tungsten_post_process script functionality has been merged into the tpm post-process command. The tungsten_post_process script remains as a shell wrapper for tpm post-process.
Issues: CT-1314
The tungsten_find_orphaned script now creates a log file every time it runs which is stored in the configured temporary directory (
by default, tpm query values temp_directory). This is to allow for easier troubleshooting and visibility during automatic execution.Issues: CT-1447
tpm now accepts chrony as a valid time synchronization software
Issues: CT-1462
The tpm diag command now uses the ss (socket status) command in place of netstat on SUSE and other operating systems that have deprecated netstat.
Issues: CT-1483
The tpm diag command now gathers the
file when located. Also now using the ip command on systems where ifconfig and/or route is deprecated.Issues: CT-1496
Changed output of thl purge command when no lower and upper bounds are given from 'Deleting events where' to 'Deleting all events'.
Issues: CT-1738
options have been added to the following scripts:
(the default if not explicitly disabled) then these two new options must be supplied otherwise the scripts will fail with the following error: "ERROR >> Manager REST API authentication needed. Please specify the user name and password.
"The internal ruby
module can now also handle themanager-rest-api-ssl=true
(the default if not explicitly disabled) and will use https instead of http to access the REST APIIssues: CT-1311
From v8 of xtrabackup, the
option was removed, meaning that backups could fail if using the newer release of the Percona toolsIn this release, the backups will now create the backup and then manually compress it
This change will increase the required disk space for backups to allow the post-backup compression to complete.
Issues: CT-1346
tungsten_provision_slave has now been renamed to tprovision.
Issues: CT-1436
Additional messaging has been added to the output displayed when running tprovision.
Issues: CT-1689
The following issues are known within this release but not considered critical, nor impact the operation of Tungsten Cluster. They will be addressed in a subsequent patch release.
After starting up Tungsten components, a
process for each running component can be found in the process listing.Whilst this does not cause any issues, it could generate unnecessary alerts for customers monitoring.
The cause has been identified and affects version 7.0.0 and 7.0.1. This will be fixed in the next 7.0.2 release.
Issues: CT-1876
The check_tungsten_online command returns a Replicator offline error on active witness hosts.
Issues: CT-1783
The tpm policy command may return the incorrect policy value for composite clusters.
As a result of this known issue, the tungsten_reset_manager command will also have issues on composite clusters because it calls tpm policy.
Issues: CT-1787
Improvements, new features and functionality
Two new tpm options have been included as part of the new API in this release.
The options are used for setting the API admin user credentials and are as follows:
Issues: CT-1327
Support now included for MariaDB 10.3+
Issues: CT-1276, CT-1433
Support has been added for Java 17 LTS
Issues: CT-1706
A new tpm option delete-service is now available to simplify the removal of clusters and/or replicator services.
Issues: CT-210, CT-327, CT-1275
Prometheus exporters mysqld_exporter and node_exporter are now included with the distribution packages.
A new command line tool tmonitor is now available for the management and testing of external Prometheus exporters (node and mysqld), and for the testing of internal exporters (Manager, Connector and Replicator).
Issues: CT-960
A new tpm option purge-thl
and a new script tungsten_purge_thl
have been added to allow easier and more intelligent THL purging across all nodes in a topology.
This allow you to purge THL files based on the following rules:
Gather the last applied seqno from all Replica nodes and take the lowest one
Find the current THL file which contains that seqno, then locate the previous one
Construct a thl purge command to remove thl thru the last seqno in the prev file
The default behavior is to display the needed commands for the admin to execute manually.
Issues: CT-1273
tpm diag now collects routing table information via route -n
, and has two new
command-line arguments: --include
and --groups
specifies a comma-separated list of subroutines to include. Any gather subroutine not
listed will be skipped.
specifies a comma-separated list of subroutine groups to include. Any group not listed will be skipped.
Issues: CT-1322
A new sub-command has been added, tpm generate-haproxy-for-api. This read-only action will read all
available INI files and dump out corresponding haproxy.cfg
entries with properly incrementing
ports; the composite parent will come first, followed by the composite children in alphabetical order.
The tungsten_generate_haproxy_for_api script functionality has been merged into the tpm generate-haproxy-for-api command. The tungsten_generate_haproxy_for_api script remains as a shell wrapper for tpm generate-haproxy-for-api.
Issues: CT-1342
tungsten_send_diag now supports a new command-line argument, --cleanup
, which
will cause the removal of the diagnostic archive file generated using the --diag
Issues: CT-1360
The tungsten_reset_manager command is now able to restart the
Manager process when the --start
or -s
argument is passed in.
Issues: CT-1401
With the release of APIv2, a new cli tool has been introduced to allow easier access called tapi.
In addition, the vast majority of Tungsten cli tools have been updated to optionally use the APIv2 interface when desired.
The Nagios and Zabbix checks are also available via APIv2 using the tapi tool.
Issues: CT-1454
The tungsten_purge_thl command is now a wrapper for the tpm purge-thl command.
Issues: CT-1488
The tmonitor command now has better help text and more options to ease usage,
including --filter
to allow easy viewing of the tmonitor test output.
Issues: CT-1585
A new option to print the merged logs to STDOUT
has been added to tungsten_merge_logs (--stdout|-O
The tpm command suite now properly supports the --profile
argument to specify a Tungsten json configuration
file in place of the installed tungsten.cfg
Issues: CT-1680
The tapi command now supports the --affinity
argument which will display all Connector-specific affinity settings, along with --connectorstatus
to show all.
Issues: CT-1700
The cctrl.log
file is now accessible from the $CONTINUENT_ROOT/service_logs
Issues: CT-1727
A new command (error) has been added to trepctl to output a full stack trace of the last error, if any.
shell> trepctl -service <serviceName>
Event application failed: seqno=10 fragno=0 message=Table hr.regions not found in database. Unable to generate a valid statement.
com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.applier.ApplierException: Table hr.regions not found in database. Unable to generate a valid statement.
at com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.applier.JdbcApplier.getTableMetadata(
at com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.applier.JdbcApplier.fillColumnNames(
at com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.applier.JdbcApplier.getColumnInformation(
at com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.applier.MySQLApplier.applyOneRowChangePrepared(
at com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.applier.JdbcApplier.applyRowChangeData(
at com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.applier.JdbcApplier.apply(
at com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.applier.ApplierWrapper.apply(
at com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.pipeline.SingleThreadStageTask.apply(
at com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.pipeline.SingleThreadStageTask.runTask(
at java.base/
Issues: CT-1747
It is now possible to compress and/or encrypt THL on disk. For more information on using these features see
Issues: CT-630
The replicator will now be able to handle new SQL_MODES available in later releases of MySQL and MariaDB, these are as follows:
Issues: CT-1362
In-Flight THL Compression is now available.
For full details on enabling this feature, refer to this page
Issues: CT-1420
Audit Logging is now available in the Connector: it allows for logging data transferred between client application and MySQL servers to a file, database or socket.
For more details and steps to enable, see
Issues: CT-78
Note that TLS 1.3 was introduced in jdk 8u272. So tpm will only set it by default for java 8u272 and later
versions. It is still possible to force the protocol to be used via tpm flag
Issues: CT-1367
A new Dynamic Active/Active feature has been added within the Proxy.
This new Proxy mode is for Composite Active/Active clusters only, and allows you to specifically configure writes to
be directed to a single cluster by the use of the tpm connector-write-affinity
For full details on this feature, and configuring it, see [link to be added]
Issues: CT-1540
connector drain [opt-timeout] has been introduced as an alias to existing connector graceful-stop command and will prevent new connections, then shutdown the connector after an optional delay.
The opt-timeout
parameter (seconds) can be specified to limit the wait before stopping the connector. Not passing this parameter implies infinite wait.
Issues: CT-1644
is now available with proxy mode.
Issues: CT-1763
Default systemd configuration files for Tungsten components no longer specifies the tungsten group to execute the command. This will prevent file access issues when tungsten user belongs to several groups.
Issues: CT-1550
When services are deployed with systemd and MySQL could not start due to an error, tpm would not be able to later start MySQL
Issues: CT-1734
In certain cases, tprovision would not be able to find the binary log position of the backup when taken from a primary. This has been fixed.
Issues: CT-1085
Fixes a bug in tprovision when using xtrabackup version 8, due to changes in xtrabackup binaries.
Issues: CT-1248
The tpm connector command now handles special characters in the password string.
Issues: CT-1258
The tpm update command will now exit with an error if any files not owned by the configured Tungsten OS user are found in the Tungsten installation directory.
For example, if the OS user is tungsten and the installation directory is /opt/continuent
, containing the
file /opt/continuent/thl/
owned by root
would cause something like the
following error to be produced, and tpm update would exit:
Foreign-owned files found!
Located files in the Tungsten installed directory /opt/continuent
that are not owned by the Tungsten OS user (tungsten):
Please change the ownership of these files to OS user "tungsten"
using the chown command as root via sudo, then rerun the `tpm update` command.
For example:
shell> sudo chown -R tungsten:tungsten /opt/continuent
Issues: CT-1260
The tpm diag command now behaves correctly on Connector-only nodes, where previously it would try to gather Manager and Replicator-specific items.
Issues: CT-1284
Fixes a security issue within the tpm diag command.
Issues: CT-1295
The number of created and active connections could be incorrect when listed from a composite data service
Issues: CT-1312
tungsten_send_diag no longer prints an error about Use of uninitialized value $diagArgs in concatenation
Issues: CT-1354
The tpm command no longer prints an error when run with no other command-line arguments.
Issues: CT-1373
The tpm command no longer aborts with a Use of uninitialized value error
when a stray tungsten.cfg
file exists under $CONTINUENT_ROOT
Issues: CT-1394
Fixes a monitoring bug with users using caching_sha2_password
Issues: CT-1406
tprovision (formerly tungsten_provision_slave) may fail to provision if the MySQL data directory was not accessible to the tungsten user.
Issues: CT-1475
The tpm generate-haproxy-for-api command no longer fails on CentOS 8.
Issues: CT-1484
The tmonitor command no longer fails on Debian 9 and Ubuntu.
Issues: CT-1485
All tpm sub-commands now handle command-line arguments more intelligently.
Issues: CT-1487
The tpm purge-thl command now handles command-line arguments more intelligently.
Issues: CT-1489
The tpm diag command now properly collects the system information file on Debian systems.
Issues: CT-1492
Database monitoring logs are now reporting the correct error number and SQL state when database errors occur.
Issues: CT-1497
The tpm update command now handles updates/upgrades more gracefully when the previous version did not have the latest tpm framework.
Issues: CT-1506
The tpm update command will now properly remove composite services.
Issues: CT-1519
The tungsten_find_orphaned command no longer fails with an 'Can't exec "/bin/sh": Argument list too long'
error when there are too many THL files to parse.
Issues: CT-1545
The tpm ask command no longer calls Data::Dumper
when it is not available.
Issues: CT-1626
tpm now parses the MYSQL SSL related setting correctly.
Issues: CT-1662
Fixes an issue where the deployall command would create a root owned wrapper.log in the ./tools directory.
Issues: CT-1664
When MySql services where badly installed, some distribution could show a “not-found”
status within systemctl, confusing tpm
Issues: CT-1677
The tpm command now communicates properly when there is no INI configuration file or staging-method deploy.cfg
configuration defined.
Issues: CT-1712
The tpm diag command now handles Multi-Site/Active-Active topologies better.
Issues: CT-1718
tungsten_monitor.rb script no longer uses sudo to send emails if the configuration doesn't allow it.
Issues: CT-1737
The tpm diag command now handles zero-length mysqld.log
files gracefully.
Issues: CT-1740
When running the cluster_backup in a Active/Active environment, when setting require_master_backup
to false, the script would still attempt to backup the Primary as it would scan the wrong sub-service and incorrectly identify the
Relay node as a candidate.
Issues: CT-1280
Fixed an issue where an xtrabackup generated by the replicator would fail to be restored using trepctl restore command.
Issues: CT-1575
The replicator metadata cache will now correctly handle table names when
is set in the MySQL configuration.
Issues: CT-651
When using parallel apply, the replicator would error with a Foreign Key constraint error if statements were issued against two or more objects that shared the same name, but with different case sensitivity, for example:
mysql> create table testtable;
mysql> drop table testtable;
mysql> create table TestTable;
Issues: CT-1259
A change in the way MySQL logs CREATE TABLE AS SELECT
in the Binary Logs from v8.0.20 onwards, meant these
transactions would previously fail.
based replication. An alternative workaround to ensure
correct rollback on failure, would be to run the statement with STATEMENT
based replication for the session.
This will also provide better performance for larger tables.
Issues: CT-1301
Fixes occurences of NullPointerException
that would occur when bringing the replicator online before MySQL was started.
Issues: CT-1348
For row based events, SQL modes were not displayed in the THL output. This is now fixed.
Issues: CT-1440
When connecting to a THL server, a client will now connect to the next available host in its THL uri, if the first does not have the sequence number that the client requires. The client will then fail only if none of the hosts from the uri can provide the needed sequence number.
Issues: CT-1558
Fixed an issue when using Parallel apply that would show a NullPointerException
in case an event could either not be found or
be corrupted in THL. This will now display a correct message Missing or corrupted event from storage
Issues: CT-1722
Fixed an issue where trepctl was leaving JMX connections opened.
Issues: CT-1752
Added more debug information for detecting possible hanging connections while a THL client connects to the THL server. Also, added socket timeout for the connection initialization
Issues: CT-1760
Includes previously missing template file to enable easy configuration of the dbrename
Issues: CT-1350
The BidiRemoteSlaveFilter
could fail to correctly flag fragmented events in unprivileged environments (Aurora, for example)
In such an environment (multi-active, unprivileged database access), a new setting was introduced to force extraction process to read ahead
to the last fragment to detect the service name (false by default). Enabled with repl_svc_extractor_multi_frag_service_detection=true
Issues: CT-1351
By default, the connector will no longer transparently reconnect underlying connections to database servers when the data service changes.
This will prevent the following case: in Composite Active/Active topologies, a given connection starts to write data to a site. The site fails, connection gets reconnected the other site and resumes writing. However the data written to the 1st site has not reached the 2nd site, thus data will not be consistent.
Default is to reject reconnections that follow a write operation (RW_STRICT
connection or SmartScale after a write) and to allow
reconnection after a read operation (RO_RELAXED
or SmartScale after a read) which translates to
It is still possible to get the previous behavior (reconnecting transparently connections cross-site) by specifying both
and --connector-allow-cross-site-reconnects-for-reads=true
, at your own risk
Issues: CT-1265
With @direct
r/w splitting in active/active configurations, the connector was not
correctly redirecting connections to an active site after re-joining the cluster following a failure.
Issues: CT-1400
The Connector now properly retries specific MySQL commands when possible: INIT_DB
and prepared statement functions.
Issues: CT-1480
Connector now forbids non-ssl connections when mysql server has require_secure_transport=ON
Issues: CT-1666
Connector now mirrors the MySQL default connect_timeout
by retrieving it from the primary when starting up. This
timeout will apply to all connections made from the connector to MySQL servers.
This setting can be over-ridden by using the following tpm property
set to autodetect, this value will mirror the MySQL connect_timeout
system variable. Set to 0 for infinite timeout.
Issues: CT-1726
Connector no longer requests cross-site services information from manager. In addition to removing extra network traffic, this cures a problem of connections counted twice in data source connection statistics
Issues: CT-1775
Fixes a NullPointerException
error (NPE) in the manager logs.
Issues: CT-1132
Fixes an edge case bug that would allow a Composite Active/Active cluster to contain 2 Primary nodes.
Issues: CT-1474
Fixes a manager-internal connection check during recovery that was not properly using SSL when required.
Issues: CT-1661
Early initialisation of the REST API sometimes caused the manager to hang and fail to startup correctly on new installations.
Issues: CT-1725
Fixes an issue when the manager would wait longer than the timeout for replicator purge on a failover.
Issues: CT-1733
Fixes an issue where datasource <datasourcename> welcome would fail to welcome a manually failed composite datasource.
Issues: CT-1771