6.3.2. Getting Detailed Information

Detailed information about the individual nodes, datasources and services within the dataservice can be obtained by using the hierarchical structure of the dataservice as presented through cctrl . By using the -l command-line option detailed information can be obtained about any object. For example, getting the detailed listing of a specific host produces the following:

[LOGICAL:EXPERT] /alpha > ls -l host1


|connector@host1[18348](ONLINE, created=403, active=0)                       |
|  host1(&mas_lc;:ONLINE, created=195, active=0)                               |
|  host2(&slv_lc;:ONLINE, created=0, active=0, latency=146.000)                 |
|  host3(&slv_lc;:ONLINE, created=208, active=0, latency=31.000)                |
|  gateway:host2                                                             |
|connector@host2[26627](ONLINE, created=0, active=0)                         |
|  host1(&mas_lc;:ONLINE, created=0, active=0)                                 |
|  host2(&slv_lc;:ONLINE, created=0, active=0, latency=146.000)                 |
|  host3(&slv_lc;:ONLINE, created=0, active=0, latency=31.000)                  |
|  gateway:host2                                                             |
|connector@host3[16117](ONLINE, created=0, active=0)                         |
|  host1(&mas_lc;:ONLINE, created=0, active=0)                                 |
|  host2(&slv_lc;:ONLINE, created=0, active=0, latency=146.000)                 |
|  host3(&slv_lc;:ONLINE, created=0, active=0, latency=31.000)                  |
|  gateway:host1                                                             |

|host1(&mas_lc;:ONLINE, progress=154146, THL latency=0.390)                    |
|        activeConnectionsCount:    0                                        |
|                  alertMessage:                                             |
|                   alertStatus:    OK                                       |
|                     alertTime:    1368209428766                            |
|                appliedLatency:    0.0                                      |
|callableStatementsCreatedCount:    0                                        |
|       connectionsCreatedCount:    195                                      |
|               dataServiceName:    alpha                                    |
|                        driver:    com.mysql.jdbc.Driver                    |
|highWater:    0(mysql-bin.000006:0000000039179423;0)                        |
|                          host:    host1                                    |
|                   isAvailable:    true                                     |
|                   isComposite:    false                                    |
|                     lastError:                                             |
|                lastShunReason:                                             |
|                          name:    host1                                    |
|                    precedence:    99                                       |
|preparedStatementsCreatedCount:    0                                        |
|                          role:    &mas_lc;                                   |
|                      sequence:    Sequence(0:0)                            |
|                         state:    ONLINE                                   |
|        statementsCreatedCount:    0                                        |
|url:                                                                        |
|jdbc:mysql:thin://host1:13306/${DBNAME}?jdbcCompliantTruncation=false&zero  |
|DateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&tinyInt1isBit=false&allowMultiQueries=tru    |
|e&yearIsDateType=false                                                      |
|                        vendor:    mysql                                    |
|                    vipAddress:                                             |
|                  vipInterface:                                             |
|                    vipIsBound:    false                                    |
|null:REPLICATOR(role=&mas_lc;, state=ONLINE)                                  |
|            appliedLastEventId:    mysql-bin.000006:0000000039179423;0      |
|              appliedLastSeqno:    154146                                   |
|                appliedLatency:    0.39                                     |
|                      channels:    1                                        |
|                   dataserviceName:    alpha                                |
|                currentEventId:    mysql-bin.000006:0000000039179423        |
|             currentTimeMillis:    1368211431237                            |
|                dataServerHost:    host1                                    |
|                    extensions:                                             |
|             latestEpochNumber:    0                                        |
|              &mas_lc;ConnectUri:    thl://localhost:/                        |
|               &mas_lc;ListenUri:    thl://host1:2112/                        |
|            maximumStoredSeqNo:    154146                                   |
|            minimumStoredSeqNo:    0                                        |
|               offlineRequests:    NONE                                     |
|                  pendingError:    NONE                                     |
|              pendingErrorCode:    NONE                                     |
|           pendingErrorEventId:    NONE                                     |
|             pendingErrorSeqno:    -1                                       |
|       pendingExceptionMessage:    NONE                                     |
|                pipelineSource:    /var/log/mysql                           |
|               relativeLatency:    683.237                                  |
|            resourcePrecedence:    99                                       |
|                       rmiPort:    10000                                    |
|                          role:    &mas_lc;                                   |
|                     seqnoType:    java.lang.Long                           |
|                   serviceName:    alpha                                    |
|                   serviceType:    local                                    |
|             simpleServiceName:    alpha                                    |
|                      siteName:    default                                  |
|                      sourceId:    host1                                    |
|                         state:    ONLINE                                   |
|            timeInStateSeconds:    2014.526                                 |
|                 uptimeSeconds:    2015.83                                  |
|                       version:    tungsten-clustering-6.1.25-6               |
|host1:DATASERVER(state=ONLINE)                                              |
|                         state:    ONLINE                                   |

The information output is very detailed and provides a summary of all the configuration and status information for the given host. The connector information shows connectors made to each configured dataserver by each connector service. The datasource section shows detailed information on the dataserver and replicator services. The output from the replicator service is equivalent to that output by trepctl .