3.2.1. Monitoring the MySQL Extractor

Once the service has been started, a quick view of the service status can be determined using trepctl:

shell> trepctl services
Processing services command...
NAME              VALUE
----              -----
appliedLastSeqno: 3593
appliedLatency  : 1.074
role            : master
serviceName     : alpha
serviceType     : local
started         : true
state           : ONLINE
Finished services command...

The key fields are:

  • appliedLastSeqno and appliedLatency indicate the global transaction ID and latency of the host. These are important when monitoring the status of the cluster to determine how up to date a host is and whether a specific transaction has been applied.

  • role indicates the current role of the host within the scope of this dataservice.

  • state shows the current status of the host within the scope of this dataservice.

More detailed status information can also be obtained. On the Extractor:

shell> trepctl status
Processing status command...
NAME                     VALUE
----                     -----
appliedLastEventId     : mysql-bin.000009:0000000000001033;0
appliedLastSeqno       : 3593
appliedLatency         : 1.074
channels               : 1
clusterName            : default
currentEventId         : mysql-bin.000009:0000000000001033
currentTimeMillis      : 1373615598598
dataServerHost         : host1
extensions             : 
latestEpochNumber      : 3589
masterConnectUri       : 
masterListenUri        : thl://host1:2112/
maximumStoredSeqNo     : 3593
minimumStoredSeqNo     : 0
offlineRequests        : NONE
pendingError           : NONE
pendingErrorCode       : NONE
pendingErrorEventId    : NONE
pendingErrorSeqno      : -1
pendingExceptionMessage: NONE
pipelineSource         : jdbc:mysql:thin://host1:3306/
relativeLatency        : 604904.598
resourcePrecedence     : 99
rmiPort                : 10000
role                   : master
seqnoType              : java.lang.Long
serviceName            : alpha
serviceType            : local
simpleServiceName      : alpha
siteName               : default
sourceId               : host1
state                  : ONLINE
timeInStateSeconds     : 604903.621
transitioningTo        : 
uptimeSeconds          : 1202137.328
version                : Tungsten Replicator 7.1.3 build 3
Finished status command...

For more information on using trepctl, see Section 8.20, “The trepctl Command”.

Definitions of the individual field descriptions in the above example output can be found in Section E.2, “Generated Field Reference”.

For more information on management and operational detailed for managing your replicator installation, see Chapter 7, Operations Guide.