3.3. Deploying an Extractor for Amazon Aurora

Replicating from Amazon Aurora, operates by directly accessing the binary log provided by Aurora and enables you to take advantage of the Amazon Web, either replicating from the remote Aurora instance, or to a standard EC2 instance within AWS. The complexity with Aurora is that there is no access to the host that is running the instance, or the MySQL binary logs.

To use this service, two aspects of the Tungsten Replicator are required, direct mode and unprivileged user support. Direct mode reads the MySQL binary log over the network, rather than accessing the binlog on the filesystem. The unprivileged mode enables the user to access and update information within Aurora without requiring SUPER privileges, which are unavailable within an Aurora instance. For more information, see Section B.4.6, “MySQL Unprivileged Users”.

The deployment requires a host for the extractor installation, this can be an EC2 instance within your AWS environment, or it could be a remote host in your own environment.

This deployment follows a similar model to an Offboard Installation

Figure 3.2. Topologies: Aurora Extraction

Topologies: Aurora Extraction

Before starting the installation, the prerequisites must have been completed (see Appendix B, Prerequisites) on both the Host designated for the installation of the extractor, and within the source database instance.

There are two types of installation, either via a Staging Install, or via an ini file install.

To understand the differences between these two installation methods, see Section 9.1, “Comparing Staging and INI tpm Methods”

Regardless of which installation method you choose, the steps are the same, and are outlined below.

In the above examples,

  • enable-heterogenous-service, is only required if the target applier is NOT a MySQL database

  • datasource-mysql-conf, needs to be set as shown as we do not have access to the my.cnf file

If the installation process fails, check the output of the /tmp/tungsten-configure.log file for more information about the root cause.

Once the installation has been completed, you can now proceed to configure the Applier service following the relevant step within Chapter 4, Deploying Appliers.

Following installation of the applier, the services can be started. For information on starting and stopping Tungsten Cluster see Section 2.4, “Starting and Stopping Tungsten Replicator”; configuring init scripts to startup and shutdown when the system boots and shuts down, see Section 2.5, “Configuring Startup on Boot”.

Monitoring the extractor is the same as an extractor from MySQL, for information, see Section 3.2.1, “Monitoring the MySQL Extractor”.