USAGE: tpm cert {action} {typeSpec}
Table 9.5. tpm cert Read-Only Actions
Option | Description |
aliases , al | Display alias names from one or more files. |
ask , as | Display various information. |
cat , ca | Display key files. |
diff , d | Compare running files with generated files. |
example , ex | Display example files. |
info , in | Display metadata about a security file as JSON. |
list , li | Show the contents of a security file. |
ls | List a directory. |
help , h | Display short help text. |
Table 9.6. tpm cert Write Actions
Option | Description |
import , ad , add , im | Add one or more typeSpecs into another. |
backup , ba | Backup one or more key directories and files. |
cp , ch , changepass | Change the storepass for one or more files. |
clean , cl | Delete all files in a directory. |
copy , co | Copy one or more key directories or files to other node(s) in the cluster, either before or after install. |
gen , cr , create , g | Generate various security files. |
vi , v | Edit the file. |
rm , rem , remove | Delete a specific alias from a security file. |
swap , ro , rotate , sw | Replace an existing entry with one from another file. |
Table 9.7. tpm cert Arguments
Option | Description |
--count , -c | Display an integer count of aliases found instead of the actual aliases. |
--debug , -d | Displays debug-level status messages. |
--dir | Specify the target directory to store files in. |
--dryrun , -n | Do not execute the command, display what would be done instead. |
--extra , -x | Display the command to be run before executing, and other additional information when available. |
--generated | Use the running tungsten_tls_keystore.jks in $CONTINUENT_ROOT/share/. You may not use --tls and --livetls together. |
--help , -h | Displays a help message. |
--i-am-sure | Confirm you want the DESTRUCTIVE operation (delete/rotate) to proceed without an interactive pause. |
--info , -i | Displays info-level status messages. |
--livetls | Use the running tungsten_tls_keystore.jks in $CONTINUENT_ROOT/share/. You may not use --tls and --livetls together. |
--long , -l | Display verbose output in keytool and openssl and other areas. |
--mysqldir | Specify the target directory to store MySQL-specific files in. |
--quiet , -q | Hides status output whenever possible. |
--running , -r | Use the running files from $CONTINUENT_ROOT/share/ instead of the certs source directory $CONTINUENT_ROOT/generated/. |
--tls | Specify a source TLS typeSpec (either tls_keystore or TLS_FILE). |
-v | Displays verbose-level status messages. |
To see more detailed help on each action, you can use the following commands:
shell> tpm cert h {action}