tpm cert Usage

USAGE: tpm cert {action} {typeSpec} [args]

Table 9.5. tpm cert Read-Only Actions

aliases, alDisplay alias names from one or more files.
ask, asDisplay various information.
cat, caDisplay key files.
diff, dCompare running files with generated files.
example, exDisplay example files.
info, inDisplay metadata about a security file as JSON.
list, liShow the contents of a security file.
lsList a directory.
help, hDisplay short help text.

Table 9.6. tpm cert Write Actions

import, ad, add, imAdd one or more typeSpecs into another.
backup, baBackup one or more key directories and files.
cp, ch, changepassChange the storepass for one or more files.
clean, clDelete all files in a directory.
copy, coCopy one or more key directories or files to other node(s) in the cluster, either before or after install.
gen, cr, create, gGenerate various security files.
vi, vEdit the file.
rm, rem, removeDelete a specific alias from a security file.
swap, ro, rotate, swReplace an existing entry with one from another file.

Table 9.7. tpm cert Arguments

--count, -cDisplay an integer count of aliases found instead of the actual aliases.
--debug, -dDisplays debug-level status messages.
--dirSpecify the target directory to store files in.
--dryrun, -nDo not execute the command, display what would be done instead.
--extra, -xDisplay the command to be run before executing, and other additional information when available.
--generatedUse the running tungsten_tls_keystore.jks in $CONTINUENT_ROOT/share/. You may not use --tls and --livetls together.
--help, -hDisplays a help message.
--i-am-sureConfirm you want the DESTRUCTIVE operation (delete/rotate) to proceed without an interactive pause.
--info, -iDisplays info-level status messages.
--livetlsUse the running tungsten_tls_keystore.jks in $CONTINUENT_ROOT/share/. You may not use --tls and --livetls together.
--long, -lDisplay verbose output in keytool and openssl and other areas.
--mysqldirSpecify the target directory to store MySQL-specific files in.
--quiet, -qHides status output whenever possible.
--running, -rUse the running files from $CONTINUENT_ROOT/share/ instead of the certs source directory $CONTINUENT_ROOT/generated/.
--tlsSpecify a source TLS typeSpec (either tls_keystore or TLS_FILE).
-vDisplays verbose-level status messages.

To see more detailed help on each action, you can use the following commands:

shell> tpm cert h {action}