tpm cert {typeSpec}, Defined

  • A typeSpec is a case-sensitive, unique string that identifies a key security file, possibly located in different subdirectories. Examples include:

    • keystore = tungsten_keystore.jks

    • connector_keystore = tungsten_connector_keystore.jks

  • {typeSpec} can be either a single string or a comma-separated list with no spaces, for example:

    shell> tpm cert info connector_truststore
    shell> tpm cert aliases jgroups_keystore,tls_keystore

  • Use tpm cert help typespec to see the standard typeSpec

  • Use tpm cert help {Action} to see the typeSpec for that action

  • Different {Action}s have different typeSpecs

  • Some typeSpecs are groups of other typeSpecs

  • There are three classes of typeSpec:

    1. Pre-Defined Source Tungsten-specific files

      • These files are located in $CONTINUENT_ROOT/generated/ and are populated by tpm cert gen

    2. Pre-Defined "Running" Tungsten & MySQL-specific files

      • Tungsten-specific files are located in $CONTINUENT_ROOT/share/, and are populated by tpm [install|update]

      • MySQL-specific files are located in the MySQL datadir by default, and can be populated with tpm cert gen mysqlcerts

      • The Tungsten running files are accessed by adding --running (or -r) on the command line while using the same typeSpec - for example,

        • tpm cert info ct displays $CONTINUENT_ROOT/generated/connector_truststore.ts

        • tpm cert info ct -r displays $CONTINUENT_ROOT/share/connector_truststore.ts

    3. User-Defined Source and Target Files

      • These files are typically located in $BASE_DIR/ and are configured via $CONTINUENT_ROOT/share/tungsten.env. They are also populated by tpm cert gen

      • Example BASE_DIR values, possibilities are endless, as long as the Tungsten OS user (usually 'tungsten') has write access to that directory or the ability to create that directory:

        • /etc/tungsten/secure

        • /var/lib/mysql

        • /home/tungsten/certs