11.4.43. SkipEventByType Filter

The SkipEventByType filter enables you to skip individual events based on the event type, schema and table. For example, if you want to skip all DELETE events on the schema/table SALES.INVOICES (to prevent deletion of invoice data), this filter will skip the event entirely and it will not be applied to the target.

Pre-configured filter name skipeventbytype
Classname com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.filter.SkipEventByTypeFilter
Property prefix replicator.filter.skipeventbytype
Stage compatibility any
tpm Option compatibility --repl-svc-extractor-filters, --repl-svc-applier-filters
Data compatibility Row events
Parameter Type Default Description
definitionsFile string support/filters-config/skipeventbytype.json JSON file containing the definition of which events and which tables to skip

Configuration of the filter is made using the generic JSON file, which supports both default options to happen for all tables not otherwise explicitly specified. The default JSON file allows all operations:

    "__default": {
        "INSERT" : "allow",
        "DELETE" : "allow",
        "UPDATE" : "allow"
    "SCHEMA" : {
        "TABLE" : {
            "INSERT" : "allow",
            "DELETE" : "deny",
            "UPDATE" : "deny"

The default section handles the default response when an explicit schema or table name does not appear. Further sections are then organised by schema and then table name. Where the setting is allow, the operation will be processed. A deny skips the entire event.

To disable all DELETE operations, regardless of which table they occur in:

    "__default": {
        "INSERT" : "allow",
        "DELETE" : "deny",
        "UPDATE" : "allow"
    "SCHEMA" : {
        "TABLE" : {
            "INSERT" : "allow",
            "DELETE" : "deny",
            "UPDATE" : "deny"

To normally allow all operations, except on the SALES.INVOICE schema/table:

    "__default": {
        "INSERT" : "allow",
        "DELETE" : "allow",
        "UPDATE" : "allow"
    "SALES" : {
        "INVOICE" : {
            "INSERT" : "allow",
            "DELETE" : "deny",
            "UPDATE" : "deny"