11.3. Filter Status

To determine which filters are currently being applied within a replicator, use the trepctl status -name stages command. This outputs a list of the current stages and their configuration. For example:

shell> trepctl status -name stages
Processing status command (stages)...
NAME                 VALUE
----                 -----
applier.class      : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.thl.THLStoreApplier
applier.name       : thl-applier
blockCommitRowCount: 1
committedMinSeqno  : 15
extractor.class    : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.thl.RemoteTHLExtractor
extractor.name     : thl-remote
name               : remote-to-thl
processedMinSeqno  : -1
taskCount          : 1
NAME                 VALUE
----                 -----
applier.class      : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.thl.THLParallelQueueApplier
applier.name       : parallel-q-applier
blockCommitRowCount: 10
committedMinSeqno  : 15
extractor.class    : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.thl.THLStoreExtractor
extractor.name     : thl-extractor
name               : thl-to-q
processedMinSeqno  : -1
taskCount          : 1
NAME                 VALUE
----                 -----
applier.class      : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.applier.MySQLDrizzleApplier
applier.name       : dbms
blockCommitRowCount: 10
committedMinSeqno  : 15
extractor.class    : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.thl.THLParallelQueueExtractor
extractor.name     : parallel-q-extractor
filter.0.class     : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.filter.TimeDelayFilter
filter.0.name      : delay
filter.1.class     : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.filter.MySQLSessionSupportFilter
filter.1.name      : mysqlsessions
filter.2.class     : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.filter.PrimaryKeyFilter
filter.2.name      : pkey
name               : q-to-dbms
processedMinSeqno  : -1
taskCount          : 5
Finished status command (stages)...

In the output, the filters applied to the applier stage are shown in the last block of output. Filters are listed in the order in which they appear within the configuration.

For information about the filter operation and any modifications or changes made, check the trepsvc.log log file.