2.7.1. Tungsten Replicator Extraction Operation

Replication Operation Support
Statements Replicated Yes, within MySQL/MySQL Topologies only
Rows Replicated Yes
Schema Replicated Yes, within MySQL/MySQL Topologies only
ddlscan Supported Yes, supported for mixed MySQL, and data warehouse targets

Tungsten Replicator for MySQL operates by

  • Reading the MySQL binary log (binlog) directly from the disk and translating that content and session information into the THL. Using this method to read the binlog in it's different formats, such as the statement, row and mixed-based logging.

  • Remotely from the MySQL server over a network, including reading from an Amazon Aurora MySQL instance, for example. This enables the replicator to read the information remotely, either on services where direct access to the binlog is not available, or where we cannot be installed. This is also referred to as Offboard installation

The following diagrams show these two methods of extraction

Figure 2.1. Internals: MySQL Extraction

Internals: MySQL Extraction

Figure 2.2. Internals: Amazon Aurora/Remote Database, Offboard Extraction

Internals: Amazon Aurora/Remote Database, Offboard Extraction

Tungsten Replicator for MySQL is supported within the following environments:

  • MySQL Community Edition

  • MySQL Enterprise Edition from Oracle

  • Percona

  • MariaDB

  • Amazon RDS

  • Amazon Aurora

  • Google Cloud MySQL

In addition, the following requirements and limitations are in effect:

  • Tables must have primary keys (Only applicable when the target is not Oracle, MySQL or Postgres)

  • Row-based binary logging must be configured for heterogeneous deployment models

  • Datatype support varies, depending upon the target. Check applier documentation appropriate to deployment target for more detail.

  • Currently, DDL is only replicated in MySQL to MySQL deployments