7.11.5. Connector tungsten gc Command

Forces a Java garbage collection for the connector, recovering memory. An example of the memory used, garbage collection, and resulting memory usage below.

mysql> tungsten mem info;
| JVM Memory statistics | Value in bytes                                        |
| Peak Thread Count     | 18                                                    |
| Heap Memory           | init = 67108864(65536K) used = 17437496(17028K)       |
|                       | committed = 64880640(63360K) max = 259522560(253440K) |
| Non-heap Memory       | init = 24313856(23744K) used = 13970024(13642K)       |
|                       | committed = 24313856(23744K) max = 224395264(219136K) |
| Thread Count          | 16                                                    |
4 rows in set (0.05 sec)

mysql> tungsten gc;
| Message                       |
| Garbage collection successful |
1 row in set (0.41 sec)

mysql> tungsten mem info;
| JVM Memory statistics | Value in bytes                                        |
| Peak Thread Count     | 18                                                    |
| Heap Memory           | init = 67108864(65536K) used = 4110088(4013K)         |
|                       | committed = 64946176(63424K) max = 259522560(253440K) |
| Non-heap Memory       | init = 24313856(23744K) used = 13970024(13642K)       |
|                       | committed = 24313856(23744K) max = 224395264(219136K) |
| Thread Count          | 16                                                    |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)