7.11.1. Connector tungsten cluster status Command

Shows the current cluster status, as far as the connector is aware. The output consists of a table showing dataservices and hosts and current status and role information:

mysql> tungsten cluster status;
| dataServiceName | name  | host  | role   | state   | appliedLatency | activeConnectionCount | connectionsCreatedCount |
| alpha           | host1 | host1 | slave  | SHUNNED | 60.0           | 0                     | 0                       |
| alpha           | host2 | host2 | master | ONLINE  | 0.0            | 1                     | 2                       |
| alpha           | host3 | host3 | slave  | SHUNNED | 61.0           | 0                     | 0                       |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

The output fields are as follows:

  • dataServiceName

    The name of the service. In connectors configured with multiple services, including composite clusters, there will be an entry for each host/servicename combination.

  • name

    The name of the host within the service.

  • host

    The hostname on which the service is running.

  • role

    The current role for the host.

  • state

    The current state for the host within the service.

  • appliedLatency

    The applied latency of transactions; for Primaries the difference between the commit time and extraction, in a Replica, the difference between commit time in the Primary and commit time in the Replica.

  • activeConnectionCount

    Count of the current number of active connections.

  • connectionsCreatedCount

    Count of the number of connections created since the connector has been started. Connector connector cluster status on the Command-line

The tungsten cluster status is also available from the command-line through the connector command. To use this command from the command line, place the cluster-status command on the command-line. For example:

shell> connector cluster-status
Executing Tungsten Connector Service --cluster-status ...
| Data service | Data service state | Data source | Is composite | Role   | State  | High water                               | Last shun reason     | Applied latency | Relative latency | Active connections | Connections created |
| alpha        | ONLINE             | demo-c11    | false        | master | ONLINE | 11(mysql-bin.000033:0000000000000523;-1) |                      | 7528198.0       | 7528609.0        | 0                  | 0                   |
| alpha        | ONLINE             | demo-c12    | false        | slave  | ONLINE | 11(mysql-bin.000033:0000000000000523;-1) | SHUNNED-FOR-RECOVERY | 7528198.0       | 7528611.0        | 0                  | 0                   |

Done Tungsten Connector Service --cluster-status

The information can also be output in JSON format by adding the -json:

shell> connector cluster-status -json
Executing Tungsten Connector Service --cluster-status -json...
  "alpha" : {
    "demo-c11" : {
      "name" : "demo-c11",
      "dataServiceName" : "alpha",
      "host" : "demo-c11",
      "activeConnectionCount" : 0,
      "alertMessage" : "",
      "alertStatus" : "OK",
      "alertTime" : 1496310617376,
      "appliedLatency" : 7528198.0,
      "available" : true,
      "callableStatementsCreated" : 0,
      "childType" : "UNDEFINED",
      "composite" : false,
      "compositeMember" : null,
      "connectionsCreated" : 0,
      "container" : false,
      "dataServerHost" : "demo-c11",
      "dataSourceRole" : "&mas_lc;",
      "driver" : "org.drizzle.jdbc.DrizzleDriver",
      "enabled" : 0,
      "executable" : false,
      "isAvailable" : true,
      "key" : "demo-c11",
      "lastError" : "",
      "lastShunReason" : "",
      "lastUpdate" : 1511778569541,
      "&mas_lc;" : true,
      "&mas_lc;ConnectUri" : "",
      "precedence" : 99,
      "preparedStatementsCreated" : 0,
      "relativeLatency" : 7528879.0,
      "relay" : false,
      "role" : "&mas_lc;",
      "sequence" : {
        "wrapAround" : 9223372036854775807,
        "generation" : 0,
        "identity" : "b70818d0-6506-4fd1-8e23-c303ccc2bcba",
        "currentValue" : 0,
        "lastValue" : 0,
        "wrapped" : false
      "&slv_lc;" : false,
      "standby" : false,
      "state" : "ONLINE",
      "statementsCreated" : 0,
      "type" : "DATASOURCE",
      "updateTimestamp" : 1511778569541,
      "url" : "jdbc:mysql:thin://demo-c11:3306/${DBNAME}?jdbcCompliantTruncation=false&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&tinyInt1isBit=false&allowMultiQueries=true&yearIsDateType=false",
      "vendor" : "mysql",
      "vipAddress" : "",
      "vipInterface" : "",
      "vipIsBound" : false,
      "witness" : false
    "demo-c12" : {
      "name" : "demo-c12",
      "dataServiceName" : "alpha",
      "host" : "demo-c12",
      "activeConnectionCount" : 0,
      "alertMessage" : "",
      "alertStatus" : "OK",
      "alertTime" : 1511779000635,
      "appliedLatency" : 7528198.0,
      "available" : true,
      "callableStatementsCreated" : 0,
      "childType" : "UNDEFINED",
      "composite" : false,
      "compositeMember" : null,
      "connectionsCreated" : 0,
      "container" : false,
      "dataServerHost" : "demo-c12",
      "dataSourceRole" : "&slv_lc;",
      "driver" : "org.drizzle.jdbc.DrizzleDriver",
      "enabled" : 0,
      "executable" : false,
      "isAvailable" : true,
      "key" : "demo-c12",
      "lastError" : "--",
      "lastShunReason" : "SHUNNED-FOR-RECOVERY",
      "lastUpdate" : 1511779000635,
      "&mas_lc;" : false,
      "&mas_lc;ConnectUri" : "",
      "precedence" : 99,
      "preparedStatementsCreated" : 0,
      "relativeLatency" : 7528878.0,
      "relay" : false,
      "role" : "&slv_lc;",
      "sequence" : {
        "wrapAround" : 9223372036854775807,
        "generation" : 0,
        "identity" : "a12e5122-d1c3-4d8b-98fe-d58241b86bf9",
        "currentValue" : 4,
        "lastValue" : 3,
        "wrapped" : false
      "&slv_lc;" : true,
      "standby" : false,
      "state" : "ONLINE",
      "statementsCreated" : 0,
      "type" : "DATASOURCE",
      "updateTimestamp" : 1511779000634,
      "url" : "jdbc:mysql:thin://demo-c12:3306/${DBNAME}?jdbcCompliantTruncation=false&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&tinyInt1isBit=false&allowMultiQueries=true&yearIsDateType=false",
      "vendor" : "mysql",
      "vipAddress" : "",
      "vipInterface" : "",
      "vipIsBound" : false,
      "witness" : false
Done Tungsten Connector Service --cluster-status -json