6.14.2. Fencing Primary Replicators

In the event of a Primary replicator failure, the fencing operation places the datasource into the FAILED state, triggering an automatic failover (see Section 6.5.1, “Automatic Primary Failover”. Because this triggers a failover in the event of fencing the replicator, the configuration should only be enabled if it critical for your business that replication errors/stops should trigger a significant operation as failover.

To enable fencing of the Primary node due to replication faults, use the policy.fence.MasterReplicator configuration property when configuring the cluster:

shell> tpm update alpha --property=policy.fence.MasterReplicator=true

The delay before the fencing operation takes place can be configured using the policy.fence.MasterReplicator.threshold property. The default value is 3, or 30 seconds.

shell> tpm update alpha --property=policy.fence.MasterReplicator.threshold=6

When the replicator is identified as available, the Primary datasource is not placed back into the online state. Instead, the failed datasource and must be explicitly recovered using the recover or datasource host recover commands.