6.7.4. Composite Cluster Relay Recovery

If the Relay node in a Composite cluster should ever point to the incorrect Primary node, you can perform the following procedure to re-point the replicator to the desired Primary node.

For example, say we have a composite cluster global, with nodes db1, db2 and db3 in east and db4, db5 and db6 in west. db1 is the Primary and db4 is the Relay.

In the output below, the Relay node db4 shows that its replicator is using db2 as the Primary instead of db1:

|db4(relay:ONLINE, progress=2034642966, latency=2.456) | 
|STATUS [OK] [2017/03/20 05:57:49 AM GMT+00:00] | 
| MANAGER(state=ONLINE) | 
| REPLICATOR(role=relay, master=db2, state=ONLINE) | 
| CONNECTIONS(created=8108, active=0) | 

Use the cctrl replicator command to adjust the relay source:

shell> cctrl -multi
Tungsten Cluster 6.1.25 build 6
west: session established
[LOGICAL] / > use west
[LOGICAL] /west > set policy maintenance
[LOGICAL] /west > replicator db4 offline
[LOGICAL] /west > replicator db4 relay east/db1
[LOGICAL] /west > set policy automatic
[LOGICAL] /west > ls
|db4(relay:ONLINE, progress=2034642966, latency=2.456) | 
|STATUS [OK] [2017/03/20 05:57:49 AM GMT+00:00] | 
| MANAGER(state=ONLINE) | 
| REPLICATOR(role=relay, master=db1, state=ONLINE) | 
| CONNECTIONS(created=8108, active=0) | 