4.4.4. Upgrade/Convert: From Multi-Site/Active-Active (MSAA) to Composite Active/Active (CAA)

These steps are specifically for the safe and successful upgrade (or conversion) of an existing Multi-Site/Active-Active (MSAA) topology, to a Composite Active/Active (CAA) topology.


It is very important to follow all the below steps and ensure full backups are taken when instructed. These steps can be destructive and without proper care and attention, data loss, data corruption or a split-brain scenario can happen.


Parallel apply MUST be disabled before starting your upgrade/conversion. You may re-enable it once the process has been fully completed. See Section, “How to Disable Parallel Replication Safely” and Section 4.1.2, “Enabling Parallel Apply During Install” for more information.


The examples in this section are based on three clusters named 'nyc', 'london' and 'tokyo'

If you do not have exactly three clusters, please adjust this procedure to match your environment.

Click here for a video of the upgrade procedure, showing the full process from start to finish... Supported Upgrade Paths

If you are currently installed using a staging-based installation, you must convert to an INI based installed, since INI based installation is the only option supported for the Composite Active/Active deployments. For notes on how to perform the staging to INI file conversion using the translatetoini.pl script, please visit Section 10.4.6, “Using the translatetoini.pl Script”.

Click here for a video of the INI conversion procedure, showing the full process from start to finish...

Path Supported
ini, in place Yes
ini, with Primary switch No
Staging No
Staging, with --no-connectors No Upgrade Prerequisites


Parallel apply MUST be disabled before starting your upgrade. You may re-enable it once the upgrade has been fully completed. See Section, “How to Disable Parallel Replication Safely” and Section 4.1.2, “Enabling Parallel Apply During Install” for more information.

  • Obtain the latest v6 (or greater) Tungsten Cluster software build and place it within /opt/continuent/software

    If you are not upgrading, just converting, then this step is not required since you will already have the extracted software bundle available. However you must be running v6 or greater of Tungsten Cluster to deploy a CAA topology.

  • Extract the package

  • The examples below refer to the tungsten_prep_upgrade script, this can be located in the extracted software package within the tools directory. Step 1: Backups

Take a full and complete backup of one node - this can be a Replica, and preferably should be either performed by:

  • Percona xtrabackup whilst database is open

  • Manual backup of all datafiles after stopping the database instance Step 2: Stop the Cross-site Replicators


Typically the cross-site replicators will be installed within /opt/replicator, if you have installed this in a different location you will need to pass this to the script in the examples using the --path option

  1. The following commands tell the replicators to go offline at a specific point, in this case when they receive an explicit heartbeat. This is to ensure that all the replicators stop at the same sequence number and binary log position. The replicators will NOT be offline until the explicit heartbeat has been issued a bit later in this step.

    • On every nyc node:

      shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade -o 
      shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service london --offline
      shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service tokyo --offline
    • On every london node:

      shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade -o 
      shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service nyc --offline
      shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service tokyo --offline
    • On every tokyo node:

      shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade -o 
      shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service london --offline
      shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service tokyo --offline
  2. Next, on the Primary hosts within each cluster we issue the heartbeat, execute the following using the cluster-specific trepctl, typically in /opt/continuent:

    shell> trepctl heartbeat -name offline_for_upg

    Ensure that every cross-site replicator on every node is now in the OFFLINE:NORMAL state:

    shell> mmtrepctl status
    shell> mmtrepctl --service {servicename} status
  3. Capture the position of the cross-site replicators on all nodes in all clusters.

    The service name provided should be the name of the remote service(s) for this cluster, so for example in the london cluster you get the positions for nyc and tokyo, and in nyc you get the position for london and tokyo, etc.

    • On every london node:

      shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade -g
      shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service nyc --get
      (NOTE: saves to ~/position-nyc-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.txt)
      shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service tokyo --get
      (NOTE: saves to ~/position-tokyo-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.txt)
    • On every nyc node:

      shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade -g
      shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service london --get
      (NOTE: saves to ~/position-london-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.txt)
      shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service tokyo --get
      (NOTE: saves to ~/position-tokyo-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.txt)
    • On every tokyo node:

      shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade -g
      shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service london --get
      (NOTE: saves to ~/position-london-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.txt)
      shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service nyc --get
      (NOTE: saves to ~/position-nyc-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.txt)
  4. Finally, to complete this step, stop the replicators on all nodes:

    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --stop Step 3: Export the tungsten_* Databases

On every node in each cluster, export the tracking schema for the cross-site replicator

Similar to the above step 2 when you captured the cross-site position, the same applies here, in london you export/backup nyc and tokyo, and in nyc you export/backup london and tokyo, and finally in tokyo you export/backup nyc and london.

  • On every london node:

    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade -d --alldb 
    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service nyc --dump
    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service tokyo --dump
  • On every nyc node:

    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade -d --alldb 
    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service london --dump
    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service tokyo --dump
  • On every tokyo node:

    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade -d --alldb 
    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service london --dump
    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service nyc --dump Step 4: Uninstall the Cross-site Replicators

To uninstall the cross-site replicators, execute the following on every node:

shell> cd {replicator software path}
shell> tools/tpm uninstall --i-am-sure Step 5: Reload the tracking schema

We DO NOT want the reloading of this schema to appear in the binary logs on the Primary, therefore the reload needs to be performed on each node individually:

  • On every london node:

    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade -s nyc -u tungsten -w secret -r
    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade -s tokyo -u tungsten -w secret -r
    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service nyc --user tungsten --password secret --restore
    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service tokyo --user tungsten --password secret --restore
  • On every tokyo node:

    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade -s london -u tungsten -w secret -r
    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade -s nyc -u tungsten -w secret -r
    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service london --user tungsten --password secret --restore
    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service nyc --user tungsten --password secret --restore
  • On every nyc node:

    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade -s london -u tungsten -w secret -r
    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade -s tokyo -u tungsten -w secret -r
    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service london --user tungsten --password secret --restore
    shell> ./tungsten_prep_upgrade --service tokyo --user tungsten --password secret --restore Step 6: Update Configuration

Update /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini to a valid v6 CAA configuration. An example of a valid configuration is as follows:







It is critical that you ensure the master= entry in the configuration matches the current, live Primary host in your cluster for the purpose of this process. Step 7: Enter Maintenance Mode

Enable Maintenance mode on all clusters using the cctrl command:

shell> cctrl
cctrl> set policy maintenance Step 8: Stop Managers

Stop the manager process on all nodes:

shell> manager stop Step 9: Install/Update the Software

Run the update as follows:

shell> tools/tpm update --replace-release


If you had start-and-report=false you may need to restart manager services


Until all nodes have been updated, the output from cctrl may show services in an OFFLINE, STOPPED, or UNKNOWN state. This is to be expected until all the new v6 managers are online Step 10: Start Managers

After the installation is complete on all nodes, start the manager services:

shell> manager start Step 11: Return to Automatic Mode

Return all clusters to Automatic mode using the cctrl command:

shell> cctrl
cctrl> set policy automatic Step 12: Validate

  1. Identify the cross-site service name(s):

    shell> trepctl services

    In our example, the local cluster service will one of london, nyc or tokyo depending on the node you are on. The cross site replication services would be:

    (within the london cluster)
    (within the nyc cluster)
    (within the tokyo cluster)
  2. Upon installation, the new cross-site replicators will come online, it is possible that they may be in an OFFLINE:ERROR state due to a change in Epoch numbers, check this on the Primary in each cluster by looking at the output from the trepctl command.

    Check each service as needed based on the status seen above:

    shell> trepctl -service london_from_nyc status
    shell> trepctl -service london_from_tokyo status
    shell> trepctl -service nyc_from_london status
    shell> trepctl -service nyc_from_tokyo status
    shell> trepctl -service tokyo_from_london status
    shell> trepctl -service tokyo_from_nyc status
  3. If the replicator is in an error state due to an epoch difference, you will see an error similar to the following:

    pendingErrorSeqno      : -1
    pendingExceptionMessage: Client handshake failure: Client response
    validation failed: Log epoch numbers do not match: master source
    ID=db1 client source ID=db4 seqno=4 server epoch number=0 client
    epoch number=4
    pipelineSource         : UNKNOWN

    The above error is due to the epoch numbers changing as a result of the replicators being restarted, and the new replicators being installed.

    To resolve, simply force the replicator online as follows:

    shell> trepctl -service london_from_nyc online -force
    shell> trepctl -service london_from_tokyo online -force
    shell> trepctl -service nyc_from_london online -force
    shell> trepctl -service nyc_from_tokyo online -force
    shell> trepctl -service tokyo_from_london online -force
    shell> trepctl -service tokyo_from_nyc online -force
  4. If the replicator shows an error state similar to the following:

    pendingErrorSeqno      : -1
    pendingExceptionMessage: Client handshake failure: Client response
    validation failed: Master log does not contain requested
    transaction: master source ID=db1 client source ID=db2 requested
    seqno=1237 client epoch number=0 master min seqno=5 master max
    pipelineSource         : UNKNOWN

    The above error is possible if during install the Replica replicators came online before the Primary.

    Providing the steps above have been followed, just bringing the replicator online should be enough to get the replicator to retry and carry on successfully:

    shell> trepctl -service london_from_nyc online 
    shell> trepctl -service london_from_tokyo online 
    shell> trepctl -service nyc_from_london online 
    shell> trepctl -service nyc_from_tokyo online 
    shell> trepctl -service tokyo_from_london online 
    shell> trepctl -service tokyo_from_nyc online 


Known Issue (CT-569)

During an upgrade, the tpm process will incorrectly create additional, empty, tracking schemas based on the service names of the auto-generated cross-site services.

For example, if your cluster has service names east and west, you should only have tracking schemas for tungsten_east and tungsten_west

In some cases, you will also see tungsten_east_from_west and/or tungsten_west_from_east

These tungsten_x_from_y tracking schemas will be empty and unused. They can be safely removed by issuing DROP DATABASE tungsten_x_from_y on a Primary node, or they can be safely ignored