5.1.1. Enabling Security using the Staging Method

Security can be enabled either during initial installation or via an update.

For many reasons, it is much easier to enable SSL at install time. Both procedures follow below.

Enabling During Install

Security can be enabled at install time by using the --disable-security-controls=false option to the tpm configure command.

shell> tools/tpm configure defaults --disable-security-controls=false \
[...the rest of the configuration options...]
shell> tools/tpm install


Installing from a staging host will automatically generate certificates and configuration for a secured installation. No further changes or actions are required.

Enabling Post-Installation

Security can be enabled after install time by using the --disable-security-controls=false option to the tpm configure command followed by a special invocation of the tpm update command..

shell> tools/tpm configure defaults --disable-security-controls=false
shell> tools/tpm update --replace-jgroups-certificate --replace-tls-certificate --replace-release


This update will force all running processes to be restarted. Connectors MUST be done at the same time or they will no longer be able to communicate with the managers.