3.3.9. Enabling SSL for Replicators Only


The procedures in this section are designed for the Multi-Site/Active-Active topology ONLY. Do NOT use these procedures for Composite Active/Active Clustering uing v6 onwards.

For version 6.x onwards, Composite Active/Active Clustering, please refer to Section 3.4, “Deploying Composite Active/Active Clusters”

It is possible to enable secure communications for just the Replicator layer in a Multi-Site/Active-Active topology. This would include both the Cluster Replicators and the Cross-Site Replicators because they cannot be SSL-enabled independently.

  1. Create a certificate and load it into a java keystore, and then load it into a truststore and place all files into the /etc/tungsten/ directory. For detailed instructions, see Chapter 5, Deployment: Security

  2. Update /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini to include these additional lines in the both the defaults section and the defaults.replicator section:

  3. Put all clusters into maintenance mode.

    shell> cctrl
    cctrl> set policy maintenance
  4. On all hosts, update the cluster configuration:

    shell> tpm query staging
    shell> cd {cluster_staging_directory}
    shell> tools/tpm update
    shell> trepctl online
    shell> trepctl status | grep thl

    On all hosts, update the cross-site replicator configuration:

    shell> mm_tpm query staging
    shell> cd {replicator_staging_directory}
    shell> tools/tpm update
    shell> mm_trepctl online
    shell> mm_trepctl status | grep thl


    Please note that all replication will effectively be down until all nodes/services are SSL-enabled and online.

  5. Once all the updates are done and the Replicators are back up and running, use the various commands to check that secure communications have been enabled.

    Each datasource will show [SSL] when enabled:

    shell> cctrl
    cctrl> ls
    |db1(master:ONLINE, progress=208950063, THL latency=0.895)                   |
    |STATUS [OK] [2018/04/10 11:47:57 AM UTC][SSL]                               |
    |  MANAGER(state=ONLINE)                                                     |
    |  REPLICATOR(role=master, state=ONLINE)                                     |
    |  DATASERVER(state=ONLINE)                                                  |
    |  CONNECTIONS(created=15307, active=2)                                      |
    |db2(slave:ONLINE, progress=208950061, latency=0.920)                        |
    |STATUS [OK] [2018/04/19 11:18:21 PM UTC][SSL]                               |
    |  MANAGER(state=ONLINE)                                                     |
    |  REPLICATOR(role=slave, master=db1, state=ONLINE)                          |
    |  DATASERVER(state=ONLINE)                                                  |
    |  CONNECTIONS(created=0, active=0)                                          |
    |db3(slave:ONLINE, progress=208950063, latency=0.939)                        |
    |STATUS [OK] [2018/04/25 12:17:20 PM UTC][SSL]                               |
    |  MANAGER(state=ONLINE)                                                     |
    |  REPLICATOR(role=slave, master=db1, state=ONLINE)                          |
    |  DATASERVER(state=ONLINE)                                                  |
    |  CONNECTIONS(created=0, active=0)                                          |

    Both the local cluster replicator status command trepctl status and the cross-site replicator status command mm_trepctl status will show thls instead of thl in the values for masterConnectUri, masterListenUri and pipelineSource.

    shell> trepctl status | grep thl
    masterConnectUri       : thls://db1:2112/
    masterListenUri        : thls://db5:2112/
    pipelineSource         : thls://db1:2112/