3.5. Deploying Tungsten Connector Only

An independent Tungsten Connector installation can be useful when you want to create a connector service that provides HA and load balancing, but which operates independently of the main cluster. Specifically, this solution is used within disaster recovery and multi-site operations where the connector may be operating across site-boundaries independently of the dataservice at each site.

The independent nature is in terms of the configuration of the overall service through tpm; an independent connector configured to communicate with existing cluster hosts will be managed by the managers of the cluster. But, the connector will not be updated when performing a tpm update operation within the configured cluster. This allows the connector to work through upgrade procedures to minimize downtime.

To create an independent connector, tpm is used to create a definition for a cluster including the datasources, and specifying only a single connector host, then installing Tungsten Cluster on only the connector host. Failure to configure in this way, and tpm will install a full Tungsten Cluster service across all the implied members of the cluster.

  1. Install the Tungsten Cluster package or download the Tungsten Cluster tarball, and unpack it:

    shell> cd /opt/continuent/software
    shell> tar zxf tungsten-clustering-6.1.25-6.tar.gz
  2. Change to the Tungsten Cluster directory:

    shell> cd tungsten-clustering-6.1.25-6
  3. Run tpm to perform the installation, using either the staging method or the INI method. Review Section 10.1, “Comparing Staging and INI tpm Methods” for more details on these two methods.

    Click the link below to switch examples between Staging and INI methods

    Show Staging

    Show INI

    shell> ./tools/tpm configure defaults \
        --reset \
        --user=tungsten \
        --profile-script=~/.bashrc \
        --application-user=app-_user \
        --application-password=secret \
        --application-port=3306 \
        --replication-port=13306 \
    shell> ./tools/tpm configure alpha \
        --connectors=connectorhost1 \
        --master=host1 \
    shell> vi /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini

    Configuration group defaults

    The description of each of the options is shown below; click the icon to hide this detail:

    Click the icon to show a detailed description of each argument.

    Configuration group alpha

    The description of each of the options is shown below; click the icon to hide this detail:

    Click the icon to show a detailed description of each argument.

    The above creates a configuration specifying the datasources, host{1,2,3}, and a single connector host based on the hostname of the installation host. Note that the application and datasource port configuration are the same as required by a typical Tungsten Cluster configuration. The values above are identical to those used in Section 3.1, “Deploying Standalone HA Clusters” deployment.

  4. Run tpm to install the software with the configuration.

    shell > ./tools/tpm install

    During the startup and installation, tpm will notify you of any problems that need to be fixed before the service can be correctly installed and started. If the service starts correctly, you should see the configuration and current status of the service.

  5. Initialize your PATH and environment.

    shell > source /opt/continuent/share/env.sh

  6. Start the connector service:

    shell> connector start

Once started:

  • The connector will appear, and be managed by, any manager host using the cctrl tool. For example:

    [LOGICAL] /dsone > ls
    |connector@connector2[16019](ONLINE, created=0, active=0)                    |
    |connector@host1[18450](ONLINE, created=19638, active=0)                     |
    |connector@host2[1995](ONLINE, created=0, active=0)                          |
    |connector@host3[8895](ONLINE, created=0, active=0)                          |
  • The active status of the connector can be monitored using cctrl as normal.

  • Updates to the main cluster will not update the Tungsten Cluster of the standalone connector. The standalone must be updated independently of the remainder of the Tungsten Cluster dataservice.

  • Connector can be accessed using the connector host and specified port:

    shell> mysql -utungsten -p -hconnector -P3306
  • The user.map authorization file must be created and managed separately on standalone connectors. For more information, see Section 7.6, “User Authentication”