7.7. Testing Connectivity Via the Connector

To test connectivity to the database server through the Tungsten Connector there are a variety of methods to choose from depending on thee selected configuration.

7.7.1. Testing Connectivity in Bridge Mode

When using Bridge mode (the default at install), all requests are routed to the Primary by default. To test query routing, run the following query when connected through the Connector:

Route to the Primary:
mysql> select @@hostname;

In Bridge mode, the only way to verify that reads are being directed to replicas is to establish a read-only port and execute queries through it to force the QoS RO_RELAXED.

First, ensure that your INI file has the following option, then run tpm update


To test, ensure you connect to the specified read-only port:

Route to a Replica:
shell> mysql -h... -P3307
mysql> select @@hostname;

7.7.2. Testing Connectivity in Proxy Mode with No R/W Splitting Enabled

To test Connector query routing in Proxy mode, you may use the URL-based R/W splitting to test query routing:

Route to the Primary:
shell> mysql -h... -Dtest@qos=RW_STRICT -e "select @@hostname;"

Route to a Replica:
shell> mysql -h... -Dtest@qos=RO_RELAXED -e "select @@hostname;"

7.7.3. Testing Connectivity in Proxy Mode with R/W Splitting Enabled (SmartScale or @direct)

To test Connector query routing in Proxy mode when either SmartScale or @direct read/write splitting has been enabled, you may use the following:

Route to the Primary:
mysql> select @@hostname for update;

Route to a Replica:
mysql> select @@hostname;