7.11.6. Connector tungsten help Command

Displays the list of currently supported commands within the connector inline interface:

mysql> tungsten help;
| Message                                                                   |
| tungsten connection status:                 display information about the |
|                                             connection used for the last  |
|                                             request ran                   |
| tungsten connection count:                  gives the count of current    |
|                                             connections to each one of the|
|                                             cluster datasources           |
| tungsten cluster status:                    prints detailed information   |
|                                             about the cluster view this   |
|                                             connector has                 |
| tungsten show [full] processlist:           list all running queries      |
|                                             handled by this connector     |
|                                             instance                      |
| tungsten show variables [like 'string']:    list connector configuration  |
|                                             options in use. The 'string'  |
|                                             may contain '%' wildcards     |
| tungsten flush privileges:                  reload user.map and refresh   |
|                                             user credentials              |
| tungsten mem info:                          display memory information    |
|                                             about current JVM             |
| tungsten gc:                                calls garbage collector       |
| tungsten help:                              display this help message     |
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