Using tpm cert changepass

tpm cert changepass allows you to change the password for a given {typeSpec}

Usage: tpm cert changepass {typeSpec} {oldPasswordSpec} {newPasswordSpec}


shell> tpm cert changepass JK pass:tungsten env:STORE_PASS

In addition to the standard {typeSpec} (Execute tpm cert help typespec for a full list) the following {typeSpec}s are also available:

  • batch|b : Runs typeSpec defined in BATCH envvar, comma-separated

Password Specifications MUST be one of:

  • env:VARNAME - has to be pre-defined and exported as an EnvVar in the $CONTINUENT_ROOT/share/tungsten.env file.

  • run:typeSpec - available as part of the running Tungsten config for {typeSpec} of:

    • keystore|k

    • truststore|t

    • connector_keystore|ck

    • connector_truststore|ct

  • pass:yourPasswordHere - specify the actual password string and be sure to escape any special characters from the shell.

If the PasswordSpec provided does not begin with env:, run: or pass: it will be rejected.