9.1.1. cctrl Command-line Options

cctrl [ -admin ] [ -expert ] [ -host  ] [ -logical ] [ -multi ] [ -no-history ] [ -physical ] [ -port  ] [ -proxy ] [ -service ] [ -timeout ]



Table 9.1. cctrl Command-line Options

DescriptionEnter admin mode when connecting
Value Typestring

Automatically enters admin mode when cctrl connects to the cluster:

shell> cctrl -admin
Tungsten Clustering (for MySQL) 6.1
alpha: session established, encryption=false, authentication=false
[ADMIN] /alpha >


Table 9.2. cctrl Command-line Options

DescriptionEnter expert mode when connecting
Value Typestring

Automatically enters expert mode when cctrl connects to the cluster:

shell> cctrl -expert
Tungsten Clustering (for MySQL) 6.1
alpha: session established, encryption=false, authentication=false


Table 9.3. cctrl Command-line Options

DescriptionHost name of the service manager to use
Value Typestring

Allows you to specify the host to connect to when looking for a manager. By default, cctrl will connect to the local host:

shell> cctrl -host host1
Tungsten Clustering (for MySQL) 6.1
alpha: session established, encryption=false, authentication=false
[LOGICAL] /alpha >


Table 9.4. cctrl Command-line Options

DescriptionEnter logical mode when connecting
Value Typestring

Automatically enters logical mode when cctrl connects to the cluster. This mode is the default when connecting to a typical; using this option forces this mode:

shell> cctrl -expert
Tungsten Clustering (for MySQL) 6.1
alpha: session established, encryption=false, authentication=false


Table 9.5. cctrl Command-line Options

DescriptionAllow support for connecting to multiple services
Value Typestring

Allow support for connecting to multiple services


Table 9.6. cctrl Command-line Options

DescriptionDisable command history
Value Typestring

Prevents cctrl from accessing or recording command history during interaction.


Table 9.7. cctrl Command-line Options

DescriptionEnter physical mode when connecting
Value Typestring

Automatically enters logical mode when cctrl connects to the cluster. This mode is the default when connecting to a typical; using this option forces this mode:

shell> cctrl -physical
Tungsten Clustering (for MySQL) 6.1
alpha: session established, encryption=false, authentication=false
[PHYSICAL] resource://>


Table 9.8. cctrl Command-line Options

DescriptionSpecify the TCP/IP port of the service manager
Value Typestring

Specify the TCP/IP port of the service manager


Table 9.9. cctrl Command-line Options

DescriptionOperate as a proxy service
Value Typestring

Operate as a proxy service


Table 9.10. cctrl Command-line Options

DescriptionConnect to a specific service
Value Typestring

Enables the selection of a specific service when first connecting to the cluster. For example:

shell > cctrl -service east_from_west
Tungsten Clustering (for MySQL) 6.1
east: session established, encryption=false, authentication=false
east_from_west: session established, encryption=false, authentication=false
[LOGICAL] /east_from_west >


Table 9.11. cctrl Command-line Options

DescriptionSpecify timeout (in seconds) to determine how long to wait before timing out when unable to connect to the manager. Default 30 seconds
Value Typestring