Configure the source and target hosts following the prerequisites outlined in Appendix B, Prerequisites then follow the appropriate steps for the required extractor topology outlined in Chapter 3, Deploying MySQL Extractors.
For replication to PostgreSQL hosts, you must ensure that the networking and user configuration has been configured correctly.
Within the PostgreSQL configuration, two changes need to be made:
Configure the networking so that the listen address for the PostgreSQL
server is configured correctly for this edit. Edit the
file and
edit the listen_address
either to *
or to an explicit IP
address. For example:
listen_addresses = ''
Edit the /etc/postgresql/main/pg_hba.conf
and ensure that the password properties match the password settings
and hostname limitations. In particular, the replicator will
communicate over the public IP address, not localhost, and so you must
ensure that network-based connections using a user/password
combination are allowed. For example, you may want to add a line to
the file that provides network-wide access, or at least access for the
local network range:
local all all md5
A suitable user must be created with rights and permissions to create
databases, as this is required by the replicator to create databases,
tables, and other objects. The creatuser command can be
used for this purpose. The --createdb
adds the
shell> createuser tungsten --createdb
You will be prompted to provide a password for the user.
Alternatively, you can create the user and permissions through the psql interface:
shell>sudo -u postgres psql --port=5433 --user=postgres postgres
Type "help" for help. postgres=#CREATE ROLE tungsten WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'password';
postgres=#ALTER ROLE tungsten CREATEDB;
You may also want to grant specific privileges to existing databases which must be done within the psql interface:
shell>sudo -u postgres psql --port=5433 --user=postgres postgres
Type "help" for help. postgres=#GRANT ALL ON DATABASE postgres TO tungsten;