4.7.2. Install Oracle Applier

The Applier replicator will read the THL from the remote Extractor and apply it into Oracle using a standard JDBC connection. The Applier replicator needs to know the Extractor hostname, and the datasource type.

  1. Unpack the Tungsten Replicator distribution in staging directory:

    shell> tar zxf tungsten-replicator-7.1.3-3.tar.gz
  2. Change into the staging directory:

    shell> cd tungsten-replicator-7.1.3-3
  3. Obtain a copy of the Oracle JDBC driver and copy it into the tungsten-replicator/lib directory:

    shell> cp ojdbc7.jar ./tungsten-replicator/lib/
  4. Configure the installation using tpm:

    Show Staging

    Show INI

    shell> ./tools/tpm configure defaults \
        --reset \
        --install-directory=/opt/continuent \
        --profile-script=~/.bash_profile \
        --skip-validation-check=InstallerMasterSlaveCheck \
        --rest-api-admin-user=apiuser \
    shell> ./tools/tpm configure alpha \
        --master=sourcehost \
        --members=localhost \
        --datasource-type=oracle \
        --datasource-oracle-service=ORCL \
        --datasource-user=tungsten_alpha \
        --datasource-password=secret \
    shell> vi /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini

    Configuration group defaults

    The description of each of the options is shown below; click the icon to hide this detail:

    Click the icon to show a detailed description of each argument.

    Configuration group alpha

    The description of each of the options is shown below; click the icon to hide this detail:

    Click the icon to show a detailed description of each argument.

    replication-host should be added to the above configuration if the target Oracle Database is on a different host to the applier installation

  5. Note

    If you plan to make full use of the REST API (which is enabled by default) you will need to also configure a username and password for API access. This must be done by specifying the following options in your configuration:


  6. Once the prerequisites and configuring of the installation has been completed, the software can be installed:

    shell> ./tools/tpm install

If the installation process fails, check the output of the /tmp/tungsten-configure.log file for more information about the root cause.

Once the installation has completed, the status of the service should be reported. The service should be online and reading events from the Extractor replicator.

The status of the replicator can be checked and monitored by using the trepctl command.