5.6.12. Data File Partitioning

By default, the CSV files generated as part of the batchloading process are named according to the schema name, table name, and the starting transaction sequence number that generated the data in the file. For example, the table orders within the schema sales generating the transaction information from sequence numbers 110 through 145 would have the name sales-orders-110.csv.

Because the size of the files can be quite large, and because within different target environments (particularly Hadoop or when uploading to S3) the speed with which the data can be uploaded or organised within the target can be critical, the files can also be partitioned. This splits up the files generated by a chosen value such as the commit time or data value.

The primary solution for partitioning is to the DateTime partitioner, which then uses a configurable date time value from the internal data structure to act as the basis for the information.

To enable date-based partitioning, you must specify the properties during your configuration:


The above sets the use fo the tungsten_commit_timestamp field generated by the batchload CSV system as the basis of the value. The format specification is then used to specify the format of the data which will be embedded into the file. The data formatter uses the Java date format strings, and you can use one or more of the following values:

  • YY

    Year as two digit number

  • yyyy

    Year as four digit number

  • MM

    Month with leading zero

  • dd

    Day with leading zero

  • HH

    Hour in 24 hour format with leading zero

  • mm

    Minute with leading zero

  • ss

    Seconds with leading zero

For example, setting yyyy-MM-dd-HH (the default), the name of the CSV file will be orders-sales-2018-04-03-12-199.csv. Note that the THL sequence number is still embedded in the filename (as the last item), as is the schema and table name.

Files generated will automatically be split by the configured value, but remember that the commit timestamp will be consistent for an individual transaction, so data will never be split across multiple files for a single transaction even if it takes time for the CSV file to be written, the key is the commit timestamp from the source database for the entire transaction that corresponds to the sequence number.