10.2.2. Service Endpoints

Services can also be controlled individually through a number of endpoints. Some are the same as the main replicator service endpoints (service, status, online, offline, purge, reset), but other are specific to services, the full list is as follows:

  • backupCapabilities

  • backups

  • backup

  • restore

  • check

  • heartbeat

  • perf

  • wait

  • clients

  • setrole

  • flush

  • clear

A few examples of a selection of these endpoints follow backupCapabilities

Returns the defined backup capabilities for the service.

This is a GET request to

GET ''

and returns a BackupCapabilitiesPayload, for exmaple:

  "payloadType": "BackupCapabilitiesPayload",
  "payloadVersion": "1",
  "payload": {
    "storageAgents": [
    "backupAgents": [
    "defaultBackupAgent": "mysqldump",
   "defaultStorageAgent": "fs"
} backups

This is a GET request that returns a list of existing backups for the service. backup / restore

Backups or restores the service.

This is a POST request :


and a BackupPayLoad can be specified to provide different settings :

  "payloadType": "BackupPayload",
  "payloadVersion": "1",
  "payload": {
    "agentName": "mysqldump",
    "storageName": "fs"

If no payload is provided, backup will use the default backup and storage agents, as shown by backupCapabilities, while restore will use the last available backup of the service. setrole

Changes the role of the replicator service.

This is a POST request


A payload is mandatory to specify which should be the new role, for example:

  "payloadType": "SetRolePayload",
  "payloadVersion": "1",
  "payload": {
    "role": "primary"

Valid roles are : primary, replica, relay, archive, thl_server, thl_client

For other calls, refer to the Replicator API Developer documentation.